Do you have a squirrel problem?

Do you have a squirrel problem? Tri-State Wildlife Management began the month of October focusing on two species of wildlife that were causing issues for people in the Cincinnati Tri-State Area, bats and squirrels. In the past week, the phone calls have become a bit more varied as raccoons, skunks, and groundhogs are finding comfortable dens within human structures or property. However, we’re coming into a time of year when squirrels are notorious for invading attics and crawl spaces looking to set up camp for the colder months. There is much more to be said about squirrels and their habits at this time of year, so a related blog will be written soon.

Squirrel on Roof in Cincinnati

Because of expanding humans populations reducing natural wildlife habitat and creating move comfortable habitat, many species of wildlife at one time or another require management actions to reduce conflicts with people, property, and pets. In many cases wildlife species have found a way to co-exist with their human neighbors.

Sometimes conflicts do arise and action is needed to protect the wildlife, humans, pets or property.

Do you have a squirrel problem? Call Tri-State Wildlife Management to resolve your squirrel issue! (513) 853-0037 or (859) 635-0037