Squirrel babies

Do you think you have squirrels or even squirrel babies living in your attic? Call Tri-State Wildlife Management – Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky’s squirrel removal company! (859)635-0037 or (513)853-0037

When do squirrels have their babies? Some squirrel babies in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky have already been born, and female squirrels will continue to give birth through April. Litters of squirrels range from 1 to 7 young. When conditions are favorable (as they typically are for urban squirrels) squirrels can breed multiple times a year. Female squirrels often use attics, chimneys, soffit areas, and gutter lines as nest sites and dens to raise their young. Tri-State Wildlife Management must take extra precaution when excluding squirrels out of attics and other structural voids to make sure there aren’t any juveniles trapped inside. Juveniles can begin venturing out of the nest around 6 to 7 weeks. Female squirrels wean the juveniles at 10 to 12 weeks. At this point, the juveniles are half of their adult weight.

Juvenile Squirrels




If you’re asking yourself, “What is that noise in my ceiling / wall / attic?” you may have squirrels or other wildlife in your home or business. Call Tri-State Wildlife Management – we will inspect your home to determine whether or not you have a wildlife problem.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management – Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky’s squirrel removal company! (859)635-0037 or (513)853-0037