Dead Animal Removal Taylor Mill, KY

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Offering Dead Animal Removal Services in Taylor Mill, KY (859) 635-0037

Spring is here, and we’ve finally had some warm days. Tuesday of this week was especially sunny and warm in the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky area, including Taylor Mill, KY. On the other hand, yesterday and today have exhibited the rainy side of spring with torrential downpours and thunderstorms. Despite the less-than-stellar weather, yesterday was a full day of inspections, checking traps and indicators, and a dead animal removal call.

Dead Animal Removal Taylor Mill, KY Andrew and Andy (A & A), Tri-State Wildlife Management‘s technicians, went to Taylor Mill, KY for the dead animal removal call. Andy’s a fairly new technician and has never gone on a dead animal removal call, so Andrew took this opportunity to train him. The suspected dead animal was under an office trailer. First, A & A went into the office to see if they could somewhat locate the smell, but to no avail. Not being able to smell anything from inside meant they couldn’t pinpoint where under the office trailer they should start their search. Suited up in protectivee gear, A & A belly crawled under the trailer, keeping their eyes peeled for any sign of fur. There was a slight dead animal smell, but it wasn’t overwhelming…yet.

After belly crawling under the building for just a couple of minutes, Andy informed Andrew that he saw a raccoon tail. Andrew’s first question was, “Is it dead?” Although being hired for dead animal removal, you can never be too careful when dealing with wildlife. He wanted to make sure they didn’t stumble upon anything live while being in such a vulnerable situation – there are no fast get-aways when you have to belly crawl. You’re also not in the best stance to defend yourself.

Unsure of the status of the raccoon, and wanting to keep a safe distance until it was determined, A & A decided to throw a few pebbles at the lump of fur to see if it moved. It did not…they moved in.

Andy, anxious to pull his first dead animal gig, grabbed the raccoon tail, and as he did, the horrible, torturous smell of a long-been-dead-animal emitted from the raccoon. Gagging and sputtering through full face masks, A & A belly crawled back out from underneath the office trailer.

Unless just fur and bones are left, the longer an animal has been dead, the stinkier it is. Let’s just say this one was a doozy. Working in wildlife removal and control, A & A are used to their fair share of less-than-pleasant smells, but this raccoon takes the cake. Both technicians had to shower before going on their remaining calls, for their sakes, but especially for other customers’ sakes!

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Dead Animal Removal Taylor Mill, KY

If you need a dead animal removed or are looking for quality wildlife control services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management today! (859) 635-0037 – Serving Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky