Squirrel Removal Ft. Thomas, KY

For squirrel removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

squirrel removal Ft. Thomas, KY

Squirrel Removal Ft. Thomas, KY: As the days turn colder, squirrels are preparing for winter. They are gathering and burying food, fattening up, and looking for a nice, snug home. During the warmer months, squirrels like to occupy trees. This arrangement isn’t desirable for the colder months, however, so squirrels will take advantage of the warmth found in man-made structures. Attics and chimneys, as well as dormers and soffits, are favorite winter homes for squirrels. Squirrels will take advantage of small construction gaps in a structure, but even if a home is sealed tight, it can still be vulnerable.  Squirrels have teeth that continuously grow, so they must continuously gnaw to keep them short. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that they won’t gnaw, including building materials on homes. This is why, to some degree or another, all homes are vulnerable for a squirrel invasion, even with no existing construction gaps.

Squirrels typically return to the same winter den site, so if you’ve had a squirrel problem before, chances are they’ll be back. It may come as a surprise, but squirrels are one of the more dangerous animals to have in your home. It all comes back to their persistent gnawing. First, they can weaken rafters if they gnaw enough, and more concerning even is that they can cause an electrical fire by gnawing on wires.

Neighborhoods with an abundance of mature trees, such as Ft. Thomas, tend to also has an abundance of squirrels. Although most of those squirrels are content to stay in the trees during the warmer months, they are now beginning to search for a warmer winter home. As mentioned above, this typically means looking for shelter within a man-made structure, such as a house.

Now is the time to thoroughly inspect the outside of your home for any construction gaps or at-risk areas. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers affordable home inspections that will not only identify areas in need of repair, but can also give you peace of mind. Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in squirrel and wildlife exclusion, so any construction gaps or at-risk areas can be repaired using wildlife grade construction materials. If you are already experiencing a squirrel invasion, Tri-State Wildlife Management uses the best, tried and true, trapping and removal methods.

Don’t delay, call Tri-State Wildlife Management today!

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

For squirrel removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.