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Posts Tagged ‘bat exclusion’

Why Can’t Bats Be Removed or Excluded During The Summer?

June 8th, 2018

Tri-State Wildlife Management works year round helping people in the Northern Kentucky Cincinnati area who are experiencing bat issues with their home or business. Customers often ask, “Why can’t bats be removed or excluded during the summer?” First off this statement is not entirely true.  If a customer calls with a bat in their living space, we are permitted to remove the bat from the home and either release it outside, or in the case that it may have been in contact with a person and there is a risk of exposure to zoonotic diseases the bat could be submitted to the health department for rabies testing. With that being said, bats roosting within a structure can not be excluded from a structure from mid May – Mid August because of the presence of pups.

Local bats begin gathering in maternity colonies in late spring and usually give birth to 1-2 pups any time from mid May through mid July. During this time the mother will leave the colony at night to feed but return to nurse their young for the first three weeks of their life. After this time the pups will learn to fly and begin leaving at dusk to feed on insects. For this reason no one is permitted to exclude bats while young are still unable to fly. If a mother bat is unable to access a structure to get to her nursing pup she will exhaust all efforts to try to enter the structure. This includes attempting to access briefly opened doors and windows.  In addition, leaving a flightless pup without access to its food source, its mother’s milk, is inhumane and would result in the pups death. Lastly, numerous bats are listed on state and federal endangered species lists, making it illegal to cause them harm and death, which a summer time exclusion would inherently do.

Although we are unable to exclude bats during this time, Tri State Wildlife is permitted to begin the process, so that exclusion can take place as soon as the black out period is lifted. Our technicians will perform a thorough  inspection of the structure, identifying all current and potential entry points. We can then begin preliminary sealing of the home, addressing all areas of potential future entry while still permitting the bats to access their current entry points. In addition, we can help identify at risk areas in the home that can reduce the likely hood of bats entering the living space of a home, for example blocking off knee wall and attic access.

Colony of bats in northern Kentucky home

If you are experiencing a bat issue in your home, let us begin the process of remedying you issue today.


Bats in my House

May 29th, 2018

Yesterday, across the United States we celebrated Memorial Day, remembering those who died while serving in our armed forces.  Many of us gathered at parades and backyard cookouts enjoying the company of friends and family.  It might have been the first time this season that you were outside your home at dusk or after dark and you may have noticed something unsettling coming from your house.  What first may have appeared as a little shadow out of the corner of your eye, soon became evidence of bats exiting the far reaches of your home. As the realization sets in the inner voice inside your head starts screaming, “I have bats in my house!” Followed by unsettling thoughts of safety and cost. If this is something that you or someone you know has recently experienced give Tri State Wildlife a call. More often than not we are able to put your mind at ease regarding both the safety and the cost of your situation. Tri State Wildlife is a full service company.  We can humanly eliminate bats from your home and also offer additional services for removing droppings left behind in attics or knee walls as well as re-insulation of contaminated areas (request a separate quote for such services).

Do Not Try to Get Rid of Bats on Your Own

Excluding bats from your home is not something that a Do-It-Yourselfer should undertake.  There are many series issues to consider when dealing with bats and your home. From a health stand point the risk of exposure to rabies from a bat scratch or bite has drastically increased over the past few years, with the number of bats testing positive for rabies increasing to 5-10%. In addition, particles from bat droppings can become airborne if mishandled, resulting in a histoplasmosis infection of your eyes or lungs.

In addition, Tri State Wildlife technicians are trained to thoroughly inspect a structure to identify all current and potential entry points. If the potential entry points are not addressed prior to exclusion, the bats will use them to reenter the structure. DIYers as well as general contractors commonly use the wrong products when attempting to exclude bats from a home. Often times this adds additional cost to the homeowner when Tri State Wildlife’s technicians have to undo some of the “repairs” that were previously attempted to fixed the problem.

So if you are finding yourself saying, “I have bats in my house!” Give us a call today. 859-635-0037

Tri State Wildlife – Bat Removal Specialist – 859-635-0037


Bats with Rabies

May 23rd, 2018

Warm summer nights are filled with many magical qualities including cookouts, late night campfires, evening swims and chasing fireflies. If you’re observant enough you can also spot bats emerging around dusk to eat up all of the pesky insects that would otherwise ruin an enjoyable evening outdoors. As a general rule bats are very beneficial in controlling insects. Watching their fluttering dance through the sky is somewhat magical until you see them emerging from your home or other structure on your property. Even more unsettling is finding a bat flying within your home. Occasionally a bat will enter a home through an open window or door, however, more often than not finding a bat within a home is indication that that its roost is in close proximity or even within the structure. If you encounter a situation such as this, don’t hesitate to contact Tri State Wildlife, 859-635-0037, to help evaluate your situation and prevent contact with bats with rabies.

The greatest risk associated with bats in someones home is exposure to the rabies virus. Just this week a bat found in a Lexington home tested positive for the rabies virus. The health department quickly took action and posted signs in the neighborhood alerting residence to the discovery of bats with rabies, but also reminding residence to keep an eye on their pets and to have them up to date on their rabies vaccine.

Rabies from bats is the most known source of human infection within the United States accounting for approximately 90% of rabies fatalities in recent years. 5-10% of Bats tested in the Northern Kentucky Cincinnati area have tested positive for rabies in recent years. Due to the fact that bats have tiny teeth and bat bites may be undetectable it is important to have any bat found in the room of a sleeping person, an unattended child or someone who is mentally impaired tested for the rabies virus. When dealing with such a situation it is best to contact someone trained in handling such situations, such as a nuisance wildlife control technician at Tri State Wildlife to locate and capture the bat. You should then contact your local health department to make arrangements for testing.

In the case that someone has been bitten, scratched or exposed to an animal’s saliva, the Northern Kentucky Health Department recommends the following:
-Wash the wound right away with soap and water for 10 minutes.
-Call your health care provider or go to a hospital emergency room depending on the severity of the wound. If you seek medical care, the health care provider treating your injury is required to report the bite to the Health Department.
-If possible, confine the bat so it can be quarantined or tested.
-Contact a trained nuisance wildlife professional to capture the bat .
-If you did not seek medical care, contact the Health Department at 859-341-4151 as soon as possible so steps can be taken to quarantine the animal or submit it for testing if warranted.

According to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services “Current post-exposure prophylaxis is nearly 100 percent successful in preventing rabies in humans. Most fatalities from rabies occur when people fail to seek prompt medical assistance or are unaware of the exposure, as with some of the cases associated with bat rabies.”

In addition to seeking help when a bat is found within the living space of a home, it is imperative to avoid contact with all bats especially those found in unusual places or during day light hours. Both of these situations are indicators of a sick bat. Just this past January a young boy in Florida past away from the rabies virus after being scratched by a sick bat and not seeking appropriate medical attention until symptoms developed.

How to Get Rid of Bats in my House

March 7th, 2018

There is nothing more disturbing than discovering you have bats roosting in your attic or other areas of your home uninhabited by humans. Whether you hear them rustling throughout the night, or have encountered one that has mistakenly found entrance into your home, you want nothing more to have them gone and not a moment too soon. You Google, “How to get rid of bats in my house,” and a list of “do it yourself” solutions flood your page. You’re bombarded with information. You are not a biologist, you do not know your local wildlife laws, you are not a carpenter, and now you’re scared of contacting some zoonotic disease. Its now approaching midnight and you stumble back to bed ready to tackle the situation in the morning. Morning comes too soon because you had a restless nights sleep and you start reading about mothballs, mylar balloons, strobe lights, essential oils, and much much more. Unfortunately, as creative as the do it yourselfers get, they are very wrong when it comes to ridding your home of bats. The only way to effectively, and legally exclude bats from your home is to hire a seasoned professional even if you consider yourself more than handy. Tri State Wildlife is your go to company for all of your wildlife exclusion needs 859-635-0037.

Colony of bats in northern Kentucky home

The number one reason to hire a professional for getting rid of bats is peace of mind. Tri-State Wildlife’s technicians are thoroughly trained in bat eviction/venting procedures and educate their customers regarding the best solution to rid their property of a bat invasion. The process starts with a detailed inspection of the property designed to identify structural defects, as well as current and potential bat entry points that lead into the interiors of the structure. Even if you know where the bats are entering most bat colonies have multiple entrances into your home as well as areas that could easily be established as an entrance. The inspection is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall bat colony within the building and offer our clients the best possible approach. In addition, to our detailed inspection Tri State Wildlife is more than happy to help put our customers minds at ease.

In addition to removal/exclusion services, Tri-State Wildlife also offers full and partial attic cleanouts. Tri State Wildlife employees are trained in safe and effective methods of removing bat guano and contaminated insulation. Due to the risk of exposure to diseases such as histoplasmosis proper protective gear and equipment is vital to a safe and effective cleanout.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a problem with bats in their home or structure give Tri State Wildlife a call today, 859-635-0037. Late winter/early spring is a great time to get started on the bat eviction process. Warm weather has been sporadically infiltrating the tri-state area the past couple of weeks so use it to your advantage to become one of the firsts in the area to rid your home of bats this season.

Will Bats Fly During a Solar Eclipse?

August 21st, 2017

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management for Professional Bat Removal Services in Northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area 859-635-0037. Serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.

There have been a lot of articles circulating online in regards to the solar eclipse and the strange phenomenon that will occur during this time. Vets and animal experts are advising to keep pets indoors to protect there eyes from permeate damage. However, this leads one to wonder how wild animals will react to this rare occurrence. One article in particular on knowledge news states that it is “difficult for scientist to say conclusively how much the moon blocking out the sun’s rays has affected animals over the years since the events are always so brief. Despite this limited observation window there have been odd behavior observed in insects, birds, and mammals such as chimpanzees, cows, and giraffes. With all of the unknown about animals and their reaction to the eclipse it started me thinking about whether or not traditionally nocturnal animals will suddenly become active. More specifically whether or not bats will leave their roost and fly during a solar eclipse.

One thing to consider when pondering this concept is an animals typical cycle of activity. Most people are familiar with diurnal (active during the day) and nocturnal (active at night), however most people are unaware of the term crepuscular. Crepuscular is derived from the Latin word for twilight and describes animals that are primarily active during dusk and dawn. Rabbits, deer, skunks, opossums, and the common house cat are some of the most commonly known crepuscular animals that we have in this area. Uniquely enough these animals are also known to be active on overcast days and moonlit nights. Therefore, one might observe more active behavior from these animals during such an occurrence as a solar eclipse.

Since we are in the heart of bat exclusion season, and juvenile bats have finally started leaving the roost, one can only wonder if these irresponsible teenagers will attempt to leave the roost during the day of a solar eclipse. Will bats fly during a solar eclipse? According to Chris Smith, of the Naked Scientists based out of Cambridge University, bats like humans and many other mammals have an internal clock that allows them to fall asleep and wake on a pretty predictable cycle. “It’s called the suprachiasmatic nucleus and that keeps time. It is a few thousand nerve cells, maybe 20,000 nerve cells that are all interconnected and they are running a genetic program. This molecular clockwork takes about 24 hours to go round a complete cycle.” “So these nerve cells become more or less active and they secrete various hormones into the blood stream, and they go round the body and inform all of the tissues in the body that have their own body clocks, what time it is. So you have this master clock in your head and you have these other slave clocks – if you like- in every cell in your body. That’s how your tissues know what time of days it is.” According to Chris some animals, such as bats, have their clocks reversed. Causing them to awake during twilight/dusk and retreat to bed at dawn.

In addition to a bats internal clock, bats also use the sun, moon, and the earths magnetic field to navigate. “They know where the moon is, and they know where east and west is, because they know where the sun is setting and they know where it is rising and they set their body clocks with the earth’s magnetic field as well. So they have a magnetic response element in their brains, they look at where the sun is in the sky. They then know that the sun rises and sets east and west. They know what time it is in their body clock and they lock their body clock onto the magnetic signal of the earth, and they know which direction to fly.” Further more, according to one researcher if you make a bat “jet lagged” by interrupting their cycle and exposure to light and dark they can actually fly off in the wrong direction.

After my readings I think I am going to be more interested in the wildlife around me than the solar eclipse. I hope to catch the deer and rabbits running through the back yard, and maybe a few bats flying through the sky. Either way it’s going to be an interesting day.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is committed to helping wildlife and people live communally while protecting you, your health, and your property. If you are currently experiencing a bat issue in your home or property, please give us a call at 859-635-0037.

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal

August 17th, 2017

For Bat Removal Services in Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal Specialists.

The news media is often guilty of sensationalizing stories about rabid bats or bat colonies in buildings and the dangers involved; however, like many native wildlife a very small percentage of bats contract rabies and of that small percentage, an even smaller percentage will come in contact with humans or pets. With that said, it is always wise to practice common sense and use caution around them and avoid direct contact, as well as ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated. Bat bites and other physical contact may go undetected by individuals who are asleep, children and pets. In recent years there has been an increase in the percentage of bats testing positive for rabies.

In addition to the foul smell and unsanitary conditions, accumulated bat droppings can support the growth of histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease very common in the Tri-State area. Dry attic environments usually do not support the growth of histoplasmosis spores, however attic clean outs should never be conducted by a home or business owner! Many experts agree that the safest guano is undisturbed guano. Due to the risk of exposure during extraction, guano removal should be left to trained professionals with the proper, safe and removal equipment.

Bats in Attic

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bat and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

For Northern Kentucky Bat Removal, or Bat Removal in Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Alexandria, KY – Exclusion, Repair, Attic Cleanups

August 12th, 2017

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management for Professional Bat Removal Services in Alexandria, KY. 859-635-0037. Serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.

lots of bats

Bat information for the home or business owner experiencing bat pro0blems:

Bat Removal Alexandria, KY: Bats are found worldwide and include about 900 species; however, there are only 40 species living in the United States. The Greater Cincinnati area typically only deals with two types of bats; the little brown bat and the big brown bat, although Indiana bats are also native to the area they are very rarely found in dwellings. Bats are nocturnal and tend to be rather shy. Because of their habits and old superstitions, people seem to have more fear of bats than they need to. Both the little brown bat and the big brown bat are dark in color and live in colonies. Roosting in attics, wall spaces, chimneys, siding, shingles, behind shutters, barns and in between tree bark is all common. All attics if not sealed properly run the risk of needing bat removal.

Adult bats breed in the fall and bear their young May through July. Little brown bats usually have one pup while big brown bats typically have two. Weaning occurs in July and August when the young are old enough to fly. It is during this time that juvenile bats often mistakenly find their way in to living quarters. As a general rule, in our area, big brown bats tend to be year-round residents, while little brown bats may stay or leave the area to hibernate.
Bats become a nuisance when their close proximity to humans brings them into living areas during season changes. Many times, however, homeowners may have bats in their home, but do not realize it until one or two accidentally find themselves in the living space of a house or basement. Another way that homeowners realize they have “bats in the belfry” is when a noticeable pile of droppings known as guano is found lying on the ground or windowsill alongside the house. Above this pile, usually up in the soffit area or attic vent area, there is a hole for entry and exit. When bat guano and urine build up in an attic or wall space, the smell gets very strong –this is one more indicator of bat presence in a home. Bats present a danger because they are a carrier of rabies and their guano can lead to a lung disease called histoplasmosis. Exclusion is important because of these threats. For this reason, TSWM also offers full attic clean outs with sanitizing and deodorizing. Because of the pups’ inability to fly out, TSWM cannot remove bats between mid-May and mid-August. This is crucial information when excluding bats from your residence.

Due to expanding human populations reducing wildlife habitat, and humans creating more comfortable habitat, many species of wildlife at one time or another require management actions to reduce conflicts with people, property, and pets or with other wildlife species. In many cases wildlife species have found a way to co-exist with their human neighbors. Sometimes conflicts do arise and action is needed to protect the wildlife, humans, pets or property.

TSWM’s goal is to alleviate the problems that sometimes occur where wildlife and humans co-exist by providing information for homeowners to make good decisions to deter wildlife whenever possible. M Sometimes wildlife needs to be removed when no other solution can be reached.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is your full service Bat Management Specialist, offering bat exclusion , repair, and attic cleanups. Nationally Certified Bat Standard Compliant. 859-635-0037 Call Today!

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal

August 11th, 2017

For Bat Removal Services in Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037

The news media is often guilty of sensationalizing stories about rabid bats or bat colonies in buildings and the dangers involved; however, like many native wildlife a very small percentage of bats contract rabies and of that small percentage, an even smaller percentage will come in contact with humans or pets. With that said, it is always wise to practice common sense and use caution around them and avoid direct contact, as well as ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated. Bat bits and other physical contact may go undetected by individuals who are asleep, children and pets.

In addition, to the foul smell and unsanitary conditions, accumulated bat droppings can support the growth of histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease very common in the Tri-State area. Dry attic environments usually do not support the growth of histoplasmosis spores, however attic cleanouts should never be conducted by a home or business owner. Due to the risk of exposure, guano removal should be left to trained professionals with the proper safe and removal equipment.

Bats in Attic

At Tri-State Wildlife we strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats in your home or business. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments, property and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work. We have an A+ rating for a reason and strive to provide our customers with the best service in the Cincinnati Tri-State area.

For Northern Kentucky Bat Removal, or Bat Removal in Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037

Taylor Mill, KY Bat Removal (41015)

March 19th, 2015

For bat removal in Taylor Mill, KY (41015), call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Taylor Mills, KY Bat Removal (41015)

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Taylor Mill, KY Bat Removal (41015): Tri-State Wildlife Management is currently excluding bats from homes in northern Kentucky. Typically, homeowners realize they have bats living in their attic when they see bats exiting their home, or when they spot bat droppings on their home or close to it on the ground. A bat may escape into the living space of a home, which also may be an indicator you have bats living in your attic.  Bats that stayed in the area over the winter are now venturing out to feed, and bats that migrated south are returning. The mild weather gives bats the opportunity to leave the warmth of your home, just as the warmer weather has encouraged many people to rest, work, and play outside. Many people are outside in their yards or relaxing on their deck or porch around dusk, which is also the time that bats leave their roost to feed on bugs and insects. If their roost is in your attic, you may see them taking off from your home and feeding in the surrounding area.

Having bats in your home is an unsettling and serious problem, even if they are confined to the attic. Not only do they urinate and defecate anywhere they roost, causing staining and odor problems which are difficult to remove, they are associated with diseases which are dangerous to humans, including rabies and histoplasmosis (a lung disease caused by the spores of fungus which grow on their droppings or guano). While bats are very beneficial to humans because of their affinity for many flying insects, such as mosquitoes, if they find their way into your home and take up residence, they can also be some of the most destructive, dangerous, and expensive wildlife to control.

Since bats are a protected species, removal should be done by a trained professional, such as our trained technicians.  In addition, we perform repairs and/or restorations to your home or business to prevent re-entry. TSWM also offers partial and full attic cleanups after bat exclusion.

Now is the perfect time to rid your home of bats. Once females begin giving birth to young (usually mid-May), full bat exclusion work must be put on hold until all juveniles are old enough to fly (usually mid-August). Although partial repairs of at risk areas can be completed during this blackout period, Tri-State Wildlife Management is not ethically or legally able to exclude bats from your home.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

For bat removal in Taylor Mill, KY (41015), or anywhere in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Erlanger, KY Bat Removal (41018)

March 17th, 2015

For bat removal in Erlanger, KY, or anywhere in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.

Erlanger, KY (41018)  Bat Removal Tri-State Wildlife Management Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

Erlanger, KY Bat Removal (41018): The recent warm weather seems to have pushed everyone out of doors. Yesterday evening, the sidewalks and parks were teeming with people and pets, eagerly enjoying the freedom that comes every year when winter is finally over. Families were grilling and relaxing outside, while kids were riding bikes and playing on swing sets. Some trees are budding, and the earliest spring flowers are blooming. It seems the warmth breathed new life into everyone and everything. This is also the time of year when wildlife becomes more active. Just to give a few examples, groundhogs are venturing out of their burrows more frequently and for longer periods of times, squirrels can be seen in abundance scampering about, and raccoons are becoming more active at nighttime. Bats are also becoming active now that the cold weather is behind us.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is in the process of excluding bats from a handful of houses and a gymnasium, and we anticipate receiving an influx of bat calls in the coming one or two weeks if the weather stays on the mild side. Here’s why: The warm weather brings with it plenty of bugs and insects, which is the main diet of bats. As homeowners are outside doing evening chores or relaxing on the deck, they may spot bats flying out of their home. Most people do not even realize that their home was susceptible to bat activity; however, bats can enter and exit any hole or gap the size of a quarter or bigger, so most go undetected.

Tri-State Wildlife Management’s technician has the experience and expertise to inspect your home for all bat entries and at risk areas. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Wildlife Management Program beginning with an inspection and customer education, followed by exclusion of bats and repair of all wildlife damage areas . TSWM also offers prevention, restoration, and cleanup services.

Tri-State Wildlife Management uses a variety of products and methods for bat repairs, prevention, and restoration.  TSWM seals homes and businesses with specialized wildlife restoration products, installs custom and standard chimney caps, and installs vent screens/coverings. When bat cleanup services are needed or desired, it typically involves the removal of bat droppings and contaminated debris from attics or other bat invaded areas.

Since bats are a protected species, removal should be done by a trained professional, such as our trained technicians. We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

For bat removal in Erlanger, KY, or anywhere in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.

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