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Wildlife Removal Independence, KY

November 14th, 2014

For wildlife removal in Independence, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

wildlife removal Independence, KY

Squirrel on Roof

Wildlife Removal Independence, KY: The weather has certainly turned much colder this week, so wild animals in Independence, KY and other neighborhoods in the greater Cincinnati area are taking advantage of the warmth that attics of homes and businesses offer. The main 3 culprits of attic-dwelling wildlife include raccoons, squirrels, and bats.

Raccoons are unpleasant house “guests”, since they not only tear apart your home to seek entry, but also they create smelly, unsanitary latrines in your attic insulation. Squirrels are also bad house “guests”, as they will chew entryways and gnaw on EVERYTHING in your attic, including rafters and electrical wires! Of course this is a major hazard, as chewed rafters can weaken the entire structure and chewed electrical wires can start a fire. If you have bats in your attic, you may not sense their presence until the spring, as they’re beginning to hibernate, but they also create unsanitary latrines and and can carry rabies, both important reasons to keep them out of your house. Squirrels and raccoons will stay active throughout the winter, the only exception being if there is a long bout of extreme weather.

All three of these wild animals are prevalent in Independence, KY as well as the rest of Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, and Southeast Indiana. As Independence grows in human population, more neighborhoods and homes are built, while less natural habitat is available to wildlife. It’s a common misconception that wild animals suffer from neighborhood developments, while the truth is that houses and other man-made structures are much more comfortable habitats for wildlife. Of course, this is to the displeasure of the unfortunate businesses and homeowners who happen to be targeted by wildlife.  Bats, squirrels, and raccoons all take advantage of these man-made structures, especially during the colder months. They are much more comfortable spending their time in warm attic insulation as opposed to den or roost sites in nature.

There are measures that businesses and homeowners in Independence, KY can take to deter wildlife from seeking refuge in their building or home. First, habitat modification, such as keeping landscaping tidy, trees trimmed, and garbage cans and pet food inside can go a long way in keeping wildlife disinterested in your home. Unfortunately, though, with wildlife, there are never any guarantees. You may do everything right, and raccoons, squirrels, and bats may still target your home. Another measure businesses and homeowners can take to try and prevent wildlife entry is to have a wildlife home inspection.

Tri-State Wildlife Management offers thorough, affordable home inspections. You may choose to do this as a precautionary measure, or you may already suspect something has already taken up residence in your attic or home. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s technician / carpenter who performs the inspection, will identify any wildlife entries as well as weak, vulnerable areas that could become future entries. It may seem excessive to a business or homeowner that the vulnerable areas be identified, but it is actually very important; raccoons, squirrels, and bats will all attempt, usually successfully, to reenter a home even after their entry is repaired.

Once an inspection is performed on your home, Tri-State Wildlife Management will be able to tell you whether your home, as of the date of the inspection, is low risk for wildlife entry, or if there is evidence of wildlife entry or vulnerable areas. If there is evidence of wildlife entry, TSWM will suggest a removal and exclusion plan suited to fit your individual needs. As mentioned previously, wildlife will cause damage to your home once excluded if they are not removed from the area, so an exclusion only solution is really no solution at all. TSWM has a carpenter on staff that will repair areas on your home that are being used as entry points, and areas that may be susceptible to future wildlife entry. TSWM only uses wildlife grade construction materials to further deter wildlife from reentering your home. In addition, TSWM offers a variety of wildlife grade chimney caps and covers to prevent wildlife intrusion. Another common wildlife service offered by Tri-State Wildlife Management is attic clean-ups, which are usually performed when an attic has significant raccoon or bat latrines.

TSWM prides itself in being a professional, quality, full service company that will take care of you from the first phone call until your wildlife problem is solved. Call today to schedule your affordable home inspection.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work .

Wildlife Removal Independence, KY: For wildlife removal in Independence, KY or anywhere else in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Ft. Mitchell, KY Squirrel Removal

November 13th, 2014

For squirrel removal in Ft. Mitchell, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-state Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

squirrel removal Ft. Mitchell KY

Ft. Mitchell, KY Squirrel Removal: The weather has turned colder, so there’s a mad rush by wildlife to finalize their plans for the winter. Squirrels are fattened, nuts are buried, and now, it’s time to find some nice, warm insulation to snuggle into. During the warm, summer months, squirrels are most comfortable denning in mature trees, but when the weather turns cold, squirrels take advantage of warmer, man-made structures. Squirrels gain access to the inside of homes (typically attics and walls) by chewing on construction material. Aside from stone, brick, and certain metals, no construction material can fully withstand the gnawing of a squirrel. Squirrels have incisors that grow continuously, and the only way to keep their teeth short and sharp is by chewing. Squirrels will take advantage of any construction gaps, weak areas, and even perfectly constructed and maintained areas on a home.

It is important to point out that squirrels not only chew holes to get into your home, but once inside, they continue to chew. This is a serious hazard, because squirrels tend to chew on electrical wires, which can cause fire. In addition, if squirrels have access to rafters over many years, the rafters can be weakened. If you use your attic for storage and have a squirrel invasion, whatever property is stored is susceptible to damage.

Unfortunately, squirrels are repeat violators – once they find a home in your home, they’ll stay there unless evicted. One of the most frustrating things for a homeowner with a squirrel issue is to repair entryways only to have a new entry chewed open by a squirrel. To prevent this situation, it is important to not only exclude violating squirrels by repairing entries and vulnerable areas, but also to trap and remove the squirrels that have made your house their home. It is also vital to repair entries and vulnerable areas with wildlife grade construction materials to help deter future squirrel or wildlife problems.

Preventive maintenance can go a long way in keeping your family and property wildlife free this winter. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers affordable, but thorough, home inspections that can identify wildlife entries and potential entries. As a full service company, TSWM offers exclusion, wildlife deterrent chimney cap installation, repairs, trapping, and removal. In addition, TSWM educates customers on how to prevent future attempts by wildlife to enter your home, including habitat modification.

The amount of mature trees in Ft. Mitchell, KY make it a squirrel haven. Squirrels can enjoy the coolness of a tree den site in the warmer months, an abundance of tree nuts in the fall, and nearby home attics provide squirrels with a comfortable den for the winter. Call Tri-State Wildlife Management if squirrels have invaded your home for the winter, or call for a preventive home inspection. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Ft. Mitchell, KY Squirrel Removal: For wildlife removal in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-state Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Raccoon Removal Ft. Thomas, KY

November 6th, 2014

For raccoon removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Raccoon Removal Ft. Thomas, KY: Is your home safe from intruders? You probably take all of the typical precautions such as locking your doors and windows and closing your garage door. You may even have a security system installed to protect yourself and property from intruders. But these safety measures do not protect you and your property from all types of intruders.

There’s another type of intruder that doesn’t use the door or windows to break in; instead, the type of intruder we’re talking about can come through any construction gap the size of a softball or sometimes even smaller. If a construction gap doesn’t exist, they have no problem creating one by ripping off shingles or fascia board to gain access to an attic. They also commonly take advantage of uncapped or “under capped” chimneys.

Raccoon Removal Ft. Thomas, KY

Raccoon Removal
Ft. Thomas, KY

The type of intruder we’re talking about is raccoons. In the fall, raccoons enter attics and chimneys looking for a warm, cozy den to spend the winter. In northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, raccoons still venture outside their den site to find food, but they may stay holed up if there is a hard winter storm or extreme temperatures.  Even though raccoons do not invade your home to intentionally steal or cause you harm, nonetheless, they can wreak havoc in your home and cause damage to your attic and/or property.  Although raccoons will leave to find food, they are not leaving to find a restroom. Raccoons typically make latrines in attic insulation.

If you have had raccoons invade your home in the past, chances are, you will have violators again. It’s important to exclude raccoons from entering your home by repairing any entry points or at-risk areas with wildlife grade construction materials. Past violators will go to great lengths to reenter an attic den site, even ripping apart repaired entryways and finding other vulnerable areas. In addition, raccoons can smell homes that are/have been occupied by other raccoons, which attracts them to the home.

In order to prevent a new raccoon invasion, not only should raccoons be excluded with wildlife grade materials, raccoons should be trapped and removed from the area. Also, it might be necessary to do an attic clean-out of soiled insulation. This may help in preventing new raccoon invaders from entering your home.

Just as you lock your doors and windows and close your garage to prevent intruders, and even subscribe to a security system, you should prevent wildlife home invaders. Tri-State Wildlife Management can help you get your home ready to stand against wildlife intruders such as raccoons. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Wildlife Management Program beginning with an inspection and customer education, followed by removal of intrusive wildlife and repair of wildlife damage. TSWM also offers prevention, restoration, and cleanup services.

Our courteous staff works for you to provide cost effective prevention, or when needed, a solution to your raccoon intrusion and/or damage issue. Tri-State Wildlife Management uses a variety of products and methods for repairs, prevention, restoration, and clean-outs.  TSWM seals homes and businesses with specialized wildlife restoration products, installs custom and standard chimney caps, vent screens/coverings, as well as barrier walls and fencing. TSWM provides habitat modification as another preventative technique.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investments

For raccoon removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Squirrel Removal Ft. Thomas, KY

October 28th, 2014

For squirrel removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

squirrel removal Ft. Thomas, KY

Squirrel Removal Ft. Thomas, KY: As the days turn colder, squirrels are preparing for winter. They are gathering and burying food, fattening up, and looking for a nice, snug home. During the warmer months, squirrels like to occupy trees. This arrangement isn’t desirable for the colder months, however, so squirrels will take advantage of the warmth found in man-made structures. Attics and chimneys, as well as dormers and soffits, are favorite winter homes for squirrels. Squirrels will take advantage of small construction gaps in a structure, but even if a home is sealed tight, it can still be vulnerable.  Squirrels have teeth that continuously grow, so they must continuously gnaw to keep them short. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that they won’t gnaw, including building materials on homes. This is why, to some degree or another, all homes are vulnerable for a squirrel invasion, even with no existing construction gaps.

Squirrels typically return to the same winter den site, so if you’ve had a squirrel problem before, chances are they’ll be back. It may come as a surprise, but squirrels are one of the more dangerous animals to have in your home. It all comes back to their persistent gnawing. First, they can weaken rafters if they gnaw enough, and more concerning even is that they can cause an electrical fire by gnawing on wires.

Neighborhoods with an abundance of mature trees, such as Ft. Thomas, tend to also has an abundance of squirrels. Although most of those squirrels are content to stay in the trees during the warmer months, they are now beginning to search for a warmer winter home. As mentioned above, this typically means looking for shelter within a man-made structure, such as a house.

Now is the time to thoroughly inspect the outside of your home for any construction gaps or at-risk areas. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers affordable home inspections that will not only identify areas in need of repair, but can also give you peace of mind. Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in squirrel and wildlife exclusion, so any construction gaps or at-risk areas can be repaired using wildlife grade construction materials. If you are already experiencing a squirrel invasion, Tri-State Wildlife Management uses the best, tried and true, trapping and removal methods.

Don’t delay, call Tri-State Wildlife Management today!

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

For squirrel removal in Ft. Thomas, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.


Raccoon Chimney Cap Erlanger, KY

October 24th, 2014

Tri-State Wildlife Management  – serving your wildlife control and removal needs in Cincy, NKY and SEI, including raccoon chimney cap installation. Call us for an appointment at 859-635-0037.

Raccoon chimney caps

Wildlife Deterrent Screen and Chimney Caps

As the weather turns colder, wildlife are returning / searching for a warm place to hole up over the winter. Squirrels and raccoons are attracted to man-made structures as cold weather dens for the same reasons we prefer being inside our homes rather than out in the elements. Attics and chimneys of homes and buildings work as great den sites for wildlife. Wildlife are not only protected from the harsh temperatures, but they are also protected from wind, snow, etc.

Homeowners and business owners should take every precaution to prevent wildlife intrusion. A thorough inspection of the outside of a building should be completed in order to identify and repair any potential wildlife entries, including both construction gaps and vulnerable areas. Weather and wild animal pulling/scratching/chewing/gnawing can quickly turn a vulnerable area into a gap large enough for an animal to enter. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers thorough, affordable inspections of homes and businesses alike. Getting a wildlife inspection now may save you a lot of money in the future.

Another important component to protecting your home or business from potential wildlife intrusion is installing wildlife deterrent chimney caps over all chimneys. Chimneys are preferred den sites for raccoons and squirrels. In addition, bats oftentimes choose to roost in chimneys. Tri-State Wildlife Management only uses the highest quality wildlife deterrent chimney caps, and they offer affordable, professional chimney cap installation.

In addition, all vents should be screened or covered to prevent wildlife entry, including louver vents, dryer vents, roof vents, etc. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers affordable, professional installation of wildlife deterrent vents and covers.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

TSWM – Serving wildlife control and removal needs for Cincy, NKY and SEI, including raccoon chimney cap installation. Call us for an appointment at 859-635-0037.

Wildlife Removal Highland Heights, KY

October 17th, 2014

For Wildlife Removal in Highland Heights, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

squirrel removal Covington, KY

Summer is over and fall is well underway. This means that wild animals are beginning to prepare for the cold winter. Squirrels are fattening up on mast (tree fruits and nuts), which helps them stay warm and acts as a reserve when food is scarce during the winter. Squirrels also collect and bury food in shallow holes (caches) to be eaten later. Raccoons are eating more too in preparation for winter when food is more scarce. In the Greater Cincinnati area, raccoons may become inactive if there is severe cold or a long winter storm, but they typically still venture out of their dens in search of food.

Not only are squirrels and raccoons fattening up in preparation for winter, but they are also searching for a nice, comfortable den. In cities and suburbs, wildlife often takes advantage of man-made structures such as houses; more specifically, attics and chimneys. Squirrels and raccoons typically return to their previous cold weather den sites, so if wildlife has taken up residence in an attic in years past, most likely, they will return. Habituated squirrels and raccoons must be trapped and the entry points sealed in order to prevent reentry. It’s important to note that if a homeowner has had squirrel or raccoon issues in the past but did not trap the violators, they will attempt, usually successfully, to gain access into a home by chewing a new entry. In a similar scenario, if a homeowner has wildlife entry issues in the past, it may come back to haunt them. Both habituated and non-habituated squirrels and raccoons can smell the scent from an attic that has had squirrel or raccoon inhabitants, so it’s important to be on the alert for any new entries and to repair any vulnerable areas (potential entries) on a structure.

The courteous staff of Tri-State Wildlife Management  works for you to provide a cost effective solution to your wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Wildlife Management Program beginning with an inspection and customer education, followed by removal of intrusive wildlife and repair of wildlife damage. TSWM also offers prevention, restoration, and cleanup services. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

For wildlife removal in Highland Heights, KY or anywhere in Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or SE Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Squirrel Removal Covington KY

October 14th, 2014
Squirrel Removal Covington, KY

Squirrel Removal Covington, KY

For Squirrel Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41017), or anywhere in the Cincy/NKY/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Squirrel Removal Covington KY: Are squirrels invading your home and eating away at your soffits and eves?

Squirrels can be one of the most destructive home-intruding animals.  They often gnaw on wood, cables or electrical wiring and almost any stored item.  The gnawing of wire is perhaps the scariest and serious damage they do – stripping the insulation from the wires increases the chances of a short and the risk of fire.

If you suspect squirrels are in your attic, hear noises in the attic or have squirrels crossing the roof, you should call Tri-State Wildlife Management.  We are experts in eliminating squirrel problems through our squirrel removal and exclusion services.  We can diagnose your problem, remove the squirrels, and provide the necessary repairs to cover holes and construction gaps that are allowing them entry into your home or business.

To have your squirrel problem taken care of sooner rather than later, call us today! Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

For Squirrel Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Raccoon Removal Covington, KY

October 7th, 2014
Raccoon Removal Covington, KY

Raccoon Removal Covington, KY

For Raccoon Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41017), or anywhere in the Cincy/NKY/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Raccoon Control & Removal

Raccoon Removal Covington, KY: Are raccoons ransacking your attic, soffits, and shingles?As the weather turns colder, raccoons are making their way into homes and structures. Raccoons can be one of the most destructive animals while trying to get into homes or once habituated to a home.  They are so curious and active that they tear into soffits and eves with a breeze, spread shingles like an industrial wood chipper, and pull ill-fitted caps off of chimneys. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers raccoon removal in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky.  TSWM will eliminate the violators and the havoc that they may have left behind. If you suspect raccoons in the attic or hear noises in the chimney or fireplace, call Tri-State Wildlife Management.  We are experts at eliminating our customers’ raccoon problems with our raccoon removal, exclusion, and repair services. We can diagnose your problem, remove the raccoons, and provide the necessary repairs to cover holes and construction gaps that are allowing them entry into your home or business. We also offer full attic cleanups after raccoon removal!

The common raccoon Procyon lotor is probably best known for its mischievous-looking face mask which undoubtedly matches his behavior.  Raccoons are usually a grizzled grey in color with a tail marked by seven alternating black and brown rings. Body coloration can vary from albino, (white) to melanistic (black) or brown. An annual molt, or shedding, of the fur begins in the spring and lasts about three months.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

For Raccoon Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal 41011 Covington, KY – Damage and Damage Identification

September 8th, 2014

Bat Removal Covington, KY (41011) – BATS: Brought to you by Tri-State Wildlife Management Covington’s Experts in Bat Removal, Exclusion, and Repair (859) 635-0037

Bat Removal 41011 – Bats Series Part 3: Damage and Damage Identification Tri-State Wildlife Management continues to receive many calls from people in the Tri-State area who are realizing bats are taking up residence in their home or business. This is also the time of year when the technicians at TSWM are able to exclude bats, repair damages, and prevent re-entry on homes and other structures.

Damage and Damage Identification Bats become a nuisance when they roost in large numbers in houses and businesses. Despite their usefulness, discovering or even suspecting bats living in your home or business is unsettling. Two common bat problems in the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky area include a solitary bat accidentally entering the living space of a structure and bats roosting in the attics or chimneys of homes or building. Signs that bats may be living in a structure include seeing bats going in/out of the building, and the presence of bat droppings (guano).

Bat Removal 41011 Covington, KY

Bat Guano on Roof






TSWM also offers full and partial attic cleanouts. TSWM employees are trained in safe and effective methods of removing bat guano and contaminated insulation. Due to the risk of exposure to diseases such as histoplasmosis, proper protective gear and equipment is vital to a safe and effective cleanout. TSWM is committed to working with home and business owners to eradicate their nuisance wildlife issue.

For more information please see the previous 2 posts in our bat series – Synopsis and Biology, and Disease

Bat Removal 41011 – For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY or anywhere in NKY/Cincy/SEI, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal 41015 Covington, KY – Disease

September 6th, 2014

Bat Removal (41015) Covington, KY – BATS: Brought to you by Tri-State Wildlife Management Covington’s Experts in Bat Removal, Exclusion, and Repair (859) 635-0037


Bats Series Part 2: Disease Tri-State Wildlife Management continues to receive many calls from people in the Tri-State area, including Covington, KY, who are realizing bats are taking up residence in their home or business. This is also the time of year when the technicians at TSWM are able to exclude bats, repair damages, and prevent re-entry on homes and other structures.

Due to the large number of bat encounters this time of year, Tri-State Wildlife Management will be posting a blog series devoted to educating the public about bats. The second part in this series provides information on bat diseases and their potential health risk to humans.

Bat Guano - Bat Removal 41015 Covington, KY

Bat Guano in Covington, KY Home




Disease The news media is often guilty of sensationalizing stories about rabid bats or bat colonies in buildings and the dangers involved; however, like many native wildlife a very small percentage of bats contract rabies and of that small percentage, an even smaller percentage will come in contact with humans or pets. With that said, it is always wise to practice common sense and use caution around them and avoid direct contact, as well as ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated. Bat bites and other physical contact may go undetected by individuals who are asleep, children and pets.

In addition to the foul smell and unsanitary conditions, accumulated bat droppings can support the growth of histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease very common in the Tri-State Area. Dry attic environments usually do not support the growth of histoplasmosis spores, however attic cleanouts should never be conducted by a home or business owner. Due to the risk of exposure, guano removal should be left to trained professionals with the proper safety and removal equipment. For more information concerning bat exposure visit, the Center for Disease Control Website at:

Stay tuned for our next installment of the Bat Series – Damage and Damage Identification

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41015) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

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