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Bat Removal Covington, KY (41014) – Synopsis and Biology

September 4th, 2014

Bat Removal Covington, KY (41014) – BATS: Brought to you by Tri-State Wildlife Management Covington’s Experts in Bat Removal, Exclusion, and Repair (859) 635-0037

Bat Removal Covington, KY (41014) – Bats Series Part 1: Synopsis and Biology Tri-State Wildlife Management continues to receive many calls from people in the Tri-State area who are realizing bats are taking up residence in their home or business. This is the time of year when the technicians at TSWM begin the preliminary bat exclusion process so when final exclusion is permitted, the job is completed more quickly and easily.

Due to the large number of bat encounters this time of year, Tri-State Wildlife Management will be posting a blog series devoted to educating the public about bats. The first part in this series gives a brief synopsis as well as bat biology information.

Bat Synopsis Bats may be the most misunderstood animals in the United States despite their ecological value. Regardless of their usefulness as the primary predators of night flying insects such as mosquitoes, bats suffer from a bad public image throughout much of the world. Centuries of myths, superstitions and misconceptions lead to fears of dread associated with such characters as Count Dracula and lead to bats being killed simply because they live near people that fear them. Despite their reputation, bats are not aggressive and usually wish to avoid humans. Bat populations the world over are rapidly declining leading to strict implementation of conservation efforts to protect bats and their habitats.

Biology Bats are mammals, having hair, giving birth to living young, and feeding them on milk from mammary glands. They are the only mammals that truly fly and are often seen fluttering around dusk, using their amazingly developed echolocation system (or sonar) to navigate through the night sky and locate and capture insects. More than two-thirds of bat species hunt insects in this way. It is said that a single little brown bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquito-sized insects in one hour, while a pregnant or lactating female has a large enough appetite to eat the equivalent of her entire body weight in a single night.

There are over 900 species of bats around the world with the majority of them residing in the tropics. Bats are second only to rodents in numbers among mammals and comprise almost one-fourth of all mammal species. The Cincinnati Tri-State is home to only a fraction of these bats, with the most common being the little brown bat and the big brown bat.

Bat Removal Covington, KY (41014)


Stay tuned for our next installment of the Bat Series – Disease

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Covington, KY (41014) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Southeast Indiana

August 29th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Southeast, IN or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SEI Area, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Southeast Indiana Tri-State Wildlife Management

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Bat Removal Southeast Indiana: Tri-State Wildlife Management set aside this week to perform bat exclusion work on a school gymnasium in Southeast Indiana. Bats are entering along the roofline around the entire gymnasium, so wildlife restoration products were used to seal much of the perimeter of the roof while leaving ample space for installation of bat excluding vents. The bats will use the excluding vents to exit the structure, but will be unable to reenter. In a few weeks’ time, Tri-State Wildlife Management technicians will uninstall the bat excluding vents and seal those areas with wildlife restoration products. To prevent future entry into the structure, TSWM also screened the louver vents with bat deterrent mesh.

The gymnasium is partially connected to a school, and although the school was not part of the inspection, Tri-State Wildlife Management noticed several wide open construction gaps on the school. TSWM suggested that these gaps also be repaired to prevent future bat entry as part of the bat exclusion work on the gym. In addition, a thorough bat inspection of the school was recommended.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

Bat Removal Southeast Indiana: For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Southeast, IN or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SEI Area, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY (41017)

August 25th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Villa Hills, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY - Bat Guano on Villa Hills, KY Home - Tri-State Wildlife Management

Bat Guano on Villa Hills, KY Home

Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY (41017): Tri-State Wildlife Management is busy with bats. One of the most obvious signs of bat entry in a home or business is the presence of bat guano near an entry point. The picture above is from a house in Villa Hills, KY where bats are entering near the gutter.

According to the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management, bats defecate right before going into their entry point and below their roost site. Bat droppings are similar to mouse droppings, so the following are some indicators that you’re dealing with bats and not mice: a shiny appearance from insect contents, clusters of droppings (latrines), and crumbly when dry. It is important to note, however, that a fungus that grows on  bat guano releases spores that can cause Histoplasmosis, so care should be taken with bat guano. Check out the Centers for Disease Control for more information on Histoplasmosis.

As always, TSWM strongly recommends to the home or business owner that all at-risk or vulnerable areas also be repaired / strengthened because after bats are excluded, they will attempt (usually successfully) to get in from other areas, and we’re back at square one.

Once bat(s) are accustomed to a building, they return every year and use it as a maternal roost where they have and raise their young. This habit is perpetuated when the once juvenile females return and have their own young. Essentially, year after year, the number of bats in a structure multiplies if not dealt with effectively.

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Villa Hills, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Ft. Mitchell, KY (41017)

August 22nd, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Ft. Mitchell, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN Area, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management receives many calls throughout the summer from home and business owners who have seen a bat(s) in their living space. Bats who fly into the living spaces of homes are oftentimes juveniles just learning to fly. Much like the human teenage population that is known for making bad decisions and trouble making, bat teenagers follow the same trend.  As a general rule, July tends to be the hardest hit month as far as Tri-State Wildlife going on home inspections in response to customers with this particular bat problem. Juveniles tend to start flying in later July.

Although July is still during the “blackout” period when wildlife control operators do not exclude bats because of non-violent (non-flying) young, we can certainly begin any preliminary work on the home so it’s ready for exclusion when the blackout period is over in August. August and September are the months set aside to perform the vast majority of the bat exclusion work for the season; however, Tri-State Wildlife Management is experiencing an unusually high bat call volume, specifically, calls about bats flying around in the living spaces of homes even this late in August. So although it’s a bit late for such a high volume of newly flying bats, TSWM is still completing many bat inspections while also performing bat exclusion work.

According to Brooke Slack, bat biologist for the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife, this year’s bat maternity timetable was later than usual, which explains the flying delay of juvenile bats and why they are entering the living spaces of homes more now in late August instead of more in late July.

TSWM went on 2 bat inspections in Kenton County, KY yesterday, both of which had bats in its living space. One bat inspection was performed on a home in Ft. Mitchell, KY and the other in Crescent Springs, KY.

Bat Removal Ft. Mitchell, KY (41017 zip code): The Ft. Mitchell, KY home has bat entry in only two places. Just as important though, a good inspector is also looking for vulnerable areas that can and almost certainly will cause problems immediately following exclusion if the vulnerable/at risk issue is not corrected. Bat inspections are very sensitive work, and there is absolutely no room for error.

Bat Removal Ft. Mitchell, KY - Bat Entry on Ft. Mitchell, KY Home - Tri-State Wildlife Management

Bat Entry on Ft. Mitchell, KY Home



Bat Removal Crescents Springs, KY: The Crescent Springs, KY home has multiple bat entries, some of which are illusive to home owners and less skilled wildlife control operators. If you think you have bats in your home, don’t make the mistake of hiring the company with “free estimates” or no certification in bat removal.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment. TSWM is fully licences and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Ft. Mitchell, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN Area, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Ft. Wright, KY (41011)

August 15th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Ft. Wright, KY (41011) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is focusing solely on bat work right now, both making repairs on at-risk areas on homes and installing bat excluder doors at bat entry and exit points. In addition, new bat customers are calling in daily, so our technicians are also busy completing bat consultations and inspections. Today, TSWM technicians are working for bat customers in Ft. Wright, KY and Cold Spring, KY.

Bat Removal Ft. Wright, KY: Today, Andrew is completing bat exclusion on a home in Ft. Wright, KY while Andy is finishing up a home in Cold Spring KY. Andrew is sealing all at-risk areas on the home with specialized wildlife restoration products that WILL stand the test of time and the persistence of all bats habituated to this house. The outcome is to prevent bats from entering these at-risk areas once they are excluded from their current bat entry(s).  Some at-risk areas on this home include some construction gaps between the fascia and brick and along a dormer.  On this home, bats have entrypoints under the fascia at one of the peaks of the gable where it meets the roofline and through 2 attic gable vents. These areas will have bat excluding vents installed and sealed.


Bat Removal Ft. Wright, KY - Bat Entrypoint on Home in Ft. Wright, KY

Bat Entrypoints on Home in Ft. Wright, KY

TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Bat Removal Ft. Wright, KY: For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Ft. Wright, KY (41011) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

TSWM – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

Bat Removal Anderson, OH (45230)

August 14th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Anderson, OH (45230), or anywhere in the Cincy/NKY/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (513) 853-0037.

Bat Removal Anderson, OH (45230): Like every August, Tri-State Wildlife Management is busy with bat work, including bat inspections, and bat exclusionPreliminary bat work involves sealing and repairing all at-risk areas of a home or structure, even if bats are not currently using them as entry and exit points. They are all areas susceptable to bat entry. Once bats are excluded from their entry and exit points, they will attempt to gain access to the structure by other means. TSWM seals all vulnerable areas to prevent bats from gaining access through other areas of the home.

Bat Removal Anderson, OH

Bat Removal Anderson, OH






This same is applicable to condos and apartment complexes, schools, churches, hospitals and more – all at-risk/vulnerable areas should be sealed so that bats do not find another way into the structure once excluded from using their main entry points. Although TSWM always strongly advises going about bat exclusion in this way, the decision is ultimately up to the customer. Tri-State Wildlife Management is currently working for a homeowner’s association of a condominium complex that was unwilling to seal and repair every portion of every building. Last fall, the homeowner’s association requested that TWSM exclude bats from their main entries on only some units on 2 separate buildings and seal at-risk areas on these units only. The association did not want to complete an inspection on the other units, although TSWM assumed bat entry or potential bat entry.  After plenty of counsel attempting to educate the board members of the condo association, TSWM agreed to do the work, but without a guarantee, and stressed the inevitability of bats entering other portions of the buildings and other nearby buildings.

As expected, the homeowner’s association called a few months later saying that other residents were now experiencing bat problems; including bat bugs within the living space of some units.  TSWM completed an inspection on the requested units and found evidence of bat entry. TSWM completed all preliminary sealing around the units, but had to wait until the spring to fully exclude bats. Just last week, TSWM received another call asking for an inspection on a third building within the same complex. Today, Andrew and Andy performed the inspection on the third building. Bat entry was found, and the technicians will begin bat exclusion tomorrow.

Tri-State Wildlife Managment is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Bat Removal Anderson, OH: For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Anderson, OH (45230), or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (513) 853-0037.

Bat Removal Cold Spring, KY (41076) – (859) 635-0037 – Tri-State Wildlife Management

August 11th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Cold Spring, KY, or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

August is a big month for bat exclusion work since full bat exclusion may begin as early as August 15th; however, much can be done before that date rolls around. Tri-State Wildlife Management technicians are busy completing all of the preliminary bat exclusion work so that bat exclusion equipment can be set up in a timely manner when the time comes. Today, TSWM technicians are working for bat customers in Lakeside Park, KY and Cold Spring, KY.

Bat Removal Cold Spring, KY: Oftentimes Tri-State Wildlife Management is hired to exclude bats from homes that have had bats excluded previously either by another wildlife company or by homeowners trying to exclude bats themselves. Bat exclusion is very sensitive work that takes a great deal of skill and patience, and the materials used for bat exclusion are also extremely important. Some wildlife companies or homeowners mayexclude bats only for the homeowner to realize later that the workmanship or materials are substandard and bats are back (or were never truly excluded).

Andrew and Andy began the preliminary bat work on this house last week and are still working to remove the work of the previously hired wildlife management company. Simultaneously, the technicians are sealing all at-risk areas on the home with specialized wildlife restoration products that WILL stand the test of time and the persistence of all bats habituated to this house. The idea is to prevent bats from entering these at-risk areas once they are excluded from their current bat entry(s).  On this particular house in Cold Spring, KY, bats are entering the attic through construction gaps on a dormer and between the soffit and brick.

Bat Removal Cold Spring, KY - Tri-State Wildlife Management

Bat Entry on Cold Spring, KY Home






Tri-State Wildlife Management waits to hear from the bat biologist on staff at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife before excluding bats from their entries. Once we have the go ahead, bat exclusion equipment will be installed on the construction gaps on the dormer and on the construction gap between the soffit and brick. After ensuring no bats are inside the home, the bat exclusion equipment is uninstalled and the entryways are repaired appropriately. TSWM uses only the best wildlife deterrent materials and practices while also taking every step possible to leave homeowners with an aesthetically pleasing repair.

TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Bat Removal Cold Spring, KY: For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Cold Spring, KY, or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

TSWM – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

Bat Removal Lakeside Park, KY (41017) – (859) 635-0037 – Tri-State Wildlife Management

August 11th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Lakeside Park, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

August is a big month for bat exclusion work since full bat exclusion may begin as early as August 15th; however, much can be done before that date rolls around. Tri-State Wildlife Management technicians are busy completing all of the preliminary bat exclusion work so that bat exclusion equipment can be set up in a timely manner when the time comes. Today, TSWM technician Andrew is working for bat customers in Lakeside Park, KY and Cold Spring, KY.

Bat Removal Lakeside Park, KY (41017): The Lakeside Park, KY home is a very typical job in which Andrew is sealing all at-risk areas on the home with specialized wildlife restoration products. The idea is to prevent bats from entering these at-risk areas once they are exclued from their current bat entry(s). In addition, Andrew is also installing a bat deterrant chimney cap over the chimney flue so bats cannot roost in the chimney flue or get into the house from the fireplace. On this particular house in Lakeside Park, KY, bats are using louver vents to gain access to the attic.

Tri-State Wildlife Management - Bat Removal Lakeside Park, KY

Bat entry on Lakeside Park, KY home through louver vent



Tri-State Wildlife Management waits to hear from the bat biologist on staff at the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife before excluding bats from their entries. Once we have the go ahead, bat exclusion equipment will be installed on both louver vents. After ensuring no bats are inside the home, the bat exclusion equipment is uninstalled and the entryways are repaired appropriately. TSWM uses only the best wildlife deterrent materials and practices while also taking every step possible to leave homeowners with an aesthetically pleasing repair.

TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Bat Removal Lakeside Park, KY (41017): For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

TSWM – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

Bat Removal and Exclusion Services – Northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, & Southeast, IN

July 29th, 2014

For bat removal and exclusion services in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast IN, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.

Bat in Northern Kentucky

Bat Captured from Northern Kentucky Home



Bat season is in full swing. Soon it willbe time to fully exclude bats from attics, chimneys, and other home crevices. Tri-State Wildlife Management has customers across Northern Kentucky with bat issues, including customers in Alexandria, Cold Spring, Newport, Covington, Crestview Hills, Ft. Wright, Crescent Springs, and Villa Hills. TSWM also has current bat customers in Brookville and Lawrenceburg, IN, as well as many customers throughout Cincinnati, including Hyde Park, Oakley, Anderson, and Delhi.

Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management now to begin the prelimnary bat exclusion process. (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.

Bat Removal Highland Heights, KY (41099)

July 24th, 2014

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Highland Heights, Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Highland Heights, KY

Bat Removal Highland Heights, KY Bats become a nuisance when they roost in large numbers in houses and businesses. Despite their usefulness, discovering or even suspecting bats living in your home or business is unsettling. Due to the breeding and roosting habits of bats, timing the removal of a bat colony is crucial to both the success of the exclusion as well as its legality and therefore best left to the experts.

Bats often enter the occupied spaces of businesses or residences due to their roost being in close proximity to open windows, doors, and attic access. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s technicians are thoroughly trained in bat eviction/venting procedures and educate their customers regarding the best solution to rid their property of a bat invasion. The process starts with a meticulous inspection of the property designed to identify structural defects, as well as current and potential bat entry points that lead into the interiors of the structure. The inspection is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall bat colony within the condition of the building.

In addition to removal/exclusion services, Tri-State Wildlife Management (TSWM) also offers full and partial attic cleanouts. TSWM employees are trained in safe and effective methods of removing bat guano and contaminated insulation. Due to the risk of exposure to diseases such as histoplasmosis, proper protective gear and equipment is vital to a safe and effective cleanout. TSWM is committed to working with home and business owners to eradicate their nuisance wildlife issue.

The courteous staff at Tri-State Wildlife will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat or wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company we will initiate an Integrated Management Plan beginning with an inspection and customer education followed by bat removal and exclusion of intrusive bats or wildlife, clean-up, repair/restoration and prevention.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is a full service company. In addition to your bat issue, TSWM offers bird and wildlife damage repairs, installs custom and standard chimney caps, seals homes and businesses to prevent wildlife from entering, removes bird, bat, and raccoon droppings and debris from attics, installs barrier fencing, removes dead animals and MUCH MORE.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Highland Heights, KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

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