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Bat Problem in Attic

September 22nd, 2016

For a professional, ethical, and effective bat removal service company, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Bat Synopsis Bats may be the most misunderstood animals in the United States despite their ecological value. Regardless of their usefulness as the primary predators of night flying insects such as mosquitoes, bats suffer from a bad public image throughout much of the world. Centuries of myths, superstitions and misconceptions lead to fears of dread associated with such characters as Count Dracula and lead to bats being killed simply because they live near people that fear them. Despite their reputation, bats are not aggressive and usually wish to avoid humans. Bat populations the world over are rapidly declining leading to strict implementation of conservation efforts to protect bats and their habitats.

Biology Bats are mammals, having hair, giving birth to living young, and feeding them on milk from mammary glands. They are the only mammals that truly fly and are often seen fluttering around dusk, using their amazingly developed echolocation system (or sonar) to navigate through the night sky and locate and capture insects. More than two-thirds of bat species hunt insects in this way. It is said that a single little brown bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquito-sized insects in one hour, while a pregnant or lactating female has a large enough appetite to eat the equivalent of her entire body weight in a single night.

There are over 900 species of bats around the world with the majority of them residing in the tropics. Bats are second only to rodents in numbers among mammals and comprise almost one-fourth of all mammal species. Northern Kentucky is home to only a fraction of these bats, with the most common being the big brown bat. Due to white-nose syndrome, the little brown bat population has depleted drastically. Although it used to be the most common bat in North America, the little brown bat “is being considered for protection under the US Endangered Species Act”. In the northern Kentucky area, big brown bats are now most prevalent. Unlike little brown bats, big brown bats usually winter over in their roost. As it happens, attics of homes and buildings are a very common roost and hibernation site for big brown bats.

Disease A small percentage of bats will contract rabies, and an even smaller percentage will come in contact with humans or pets. With that said, it is always wise to practice common sense and use caution around them and avoid direct contact, as well as ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated. Bat bites and other physical contact may go undetected by individuals who are asleep, children or pets.

In addition to the foul smell and unsanitary conditions, accumulated bat droppings can support the growth of histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease very common in the Tri-State Area. Dry attic environments usually do not support the growth of histoplasmosis spores, however attic cleanouts should never be conducted by a home or business owner. Due to the risk of exposure, guano removal should be left to trained professionals with the proper safety and removal equipment. For more information concerning bat exposure visit, the Center for Disease Control Website at:

Damage and Damage Identification Late summer / early autumn is a perfect time of year for Tri-State Wildlife Management (TSWM) to exclude bats, repair damages, and prevent re-entry on homes and other structures. During the winter months, TSWM is only able to compelte preliminary bat exclusion work. This is to ensure bats are able to exit their roost site (your attic) in the spring. Once the weather warms up again, bats once again leave their roost site to hunt, and TSWM can complete the bat exclusion process.

Bats become a nuisance when they roost in large numbers in houses and businesses. Despite their usefulness, discovering or even suspecting bats living in your home or business is unsettling. Two common bat problems in the Greater Cincinnati Northern Kentucky area include a solitary bat accidentally entering the living space of a structure and bats roosting in the attics or chimneys of homes or building. Signs that bats may be living in a structure include seeing bats going in/out of the building, and the presence of bat droppings (guano).

Bat Removal 41011 Covington, KY

Bat Guano on Roof

TSWM also offers full and partial attic cleanouts. TSWM employees are trained in safe and effective methods of removing bat guano and contaminated insulation. Due to the risk of exposure to diseases such as histoplasmosis, proper protective gear and equipment is vital to a safe and effective cleanout. TSWM is committed to working with home and business owners to eradicate their nuisance wildlife issue.

Bat Problem in Attic

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

Do you have a bat problem in your attic? TSWM will permanently exclude bats from your home. Put our experience and expertise to work for you! Serving the Greater Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky Area.


Remove Bats in Northern Kentucky

September 15th, 2016

Do you have bats in your attic? Now is a great time of year to take care of your bat problem, and Tri-State Wildlife Management is THE company to hire to remove bats in Northern Kentucky. Call us today at 859-635-0037.

Remove Bats in Northern Kentucky

Bats are useful mammals to have around, as they are a great, natural way to control flying insects such as mosquitoes. More and more people are setting up bat houses in their yard to encourage bats to feed on mosquitoes which carry a variety of viruses harmful to humans (including zika virus and malaria). The good of having bats around is outweighed by the bad if they decide to roost in your attic. Bats are more likely to enter the living space of your home if they are roosting in your attic. As they are prominent carriers of rabies, this is a problem that should be addressed. If there is any chance at all that a bat bit someone, precautions must be taken. If the bat is caught without damage to its head, it can be tested for rabies. If it is not caught, then rabies shots must be administered in case rabies is contracted. After rabies symptoms appear, it is too late for the shots to work. Bats also create latrines at their roost site which can cause histoplasmosis in humans. In order to prevent these unsanitary, unsafe conditions, bat should be permanently removed and excluded.

Tri-State Wildlife Management (TSWM) specializes in bat removal and exclusion in the Northern Kentucky area. Many homes and buildings are susceptible to bat entry, as bats can squeeze through a hole smaller than a dime. For this same reason, it is very difficult to permanently exclude them from your residence or business. TSWM has the experience and expertise to rid your home of bats for good. Technicians inspect your entire home to identify entries as well as vulnerable areas. Our goal is to ensure bats will never again gain access into your home to roost, so we are sure to do a thorough job of repairing entries and securing at risk areas. Our work is not only effective, but it is also aesthetically pleasing. We take pride in our ability to permanently exclude bats while maintaining (or improving) the beauty of a home. Materials used are of highest quality, able to withstand not only weather and the elements, but also attempted wild animal entry. Materials used by construction and roofing companies do not take wild animal entry into account. The difference could mean thousands of dollars spent in future wildlife removal and repair.

Some of the telltale signs that you have a bat problem include dark marks near their entry point and bat guano below an entry point. You may also see bats leaving their roost at dusk to feed on flying insects. Bats can often go undetected by property owners and residents, so it may be years before you realize you have a bat problem. At that point, you may be dealing with generations of bats that often use the same roost year after year. In some of the worst cases, you may smell bat latrines (pile of guano and urine) from a living area, or notice a stain on the ceiling or wall. Bat waste can cause histoplasmosis in humans, so safe cleanup procedures and material should always be used.

Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in bat removal and exclusion from houses, multi-unit buildings, and businesses. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!


How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Attic

August 2nd, 2016

To get rid of bats effectively, ethically and safely, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience & expertise to work for you!

How to Get Rid of Bats in Your Attic: Bats become a nuisance when they roost in large numbers in houses and businesses. Despite their usefulness, discovering or even suspecting bats living in your home or business is unsettling. Due to the breeding and roosting habits of bats, timing the removal of a bat colony is crucial to both the success of the exclusion as well as its legality and therefore best left to the experts.

Bats often enter the occupied spaces of businesses or residences due to their roost being in close proximity to open windows, doors, and attic access. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s technicians are thoroughly trained in bat eviction/venting procedures and educate their customers regarding the best solution to rid their property of a bat invasion. The process starts with a meticulous inspection of the property designed to identify structural defects, as well as current and potential bat entry points that lead into the interiors of the structure. The inspection is intended to assist in the evaluation of the overall bat colony within the condition of the building.

In addition to removal/exclusion services, Tri-State Wildlife Management (TSWM) also offers full and partial attic cleanouts. TSWM employees are trained in safe and effective methods of removing bat guano and contaminated insulation. Due to the risk of exposure to diseases such as histoplasmosis, proper protective gear and equipment is vital to a safe and effective cleanout. TSWM is committed to working with home and business owners to eradicate their nuisance wildlife issue.

The courteous staff at Tri-State Wildlife will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat or wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company we will initiate an Integrated Management Plan beginning with an inspection and customer education followed by bat removal and exclusion of intrusive bats or wildlife, clean-up, repair/restoration and prevention.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Garden Mole Control Crescent Springs KY

August 1st, 2016

Are moles ruining your lawn? For garden mole control in  Crescent Springs KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Mole Control Crescent Springs KY

Mole Control Crescent Springs KY: Moles become an issue when they take up residence in your yard. Their tunnels and mounds are more than just unsightly, they can kill grass, plants, and flowers. As they move underneath the surface of your lawn and garden, plant roots detach from the soil and lose their source of water and nutrients. Moles will continue to cause damage to your lawn, as they continue to tunnel in search of food. Even one mole can cause a great deal of damage, and will continue to cause more damage in search of food.

Tri-State Wildlife Management uses best practices whenever resolving a wildlife issue. The most effective, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly way to rid your yard of moles is through a trapping program. Call the wildlife company who can take of your garden mole problem for you! Put our experience and expertise to work for you! (859) 635-0037

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work.


Garden Mole Problem

July 29th, 2016

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for mole removal in Northern Kentucky.

Mole Removal Ft. Mitchell KY

The old saying “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill” was clearly coined by someone who never had a  garden mole problem in their yard! Moles can be very destructive to a lawn, and it can be difficult to rid your property of them. Moles create both deep tunnels that are undetectable, as well as surface tunnels, which are very shallow. In addition, as moles tunnel and move dirt out of their way, they can create mounds of dirt at the surface. Moles tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. During bouts of hot or cold temperatures, moles continue to make more deep tunnels, so even though you didn’t see mole activity during the winter, they were just as active, but undetectable. Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Earthworms are the main component of their diet; however, insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well.

Moles are unwanted guests in a yard  because their surface tunnels and dirt mounds are unsightly. More importantly, mole tunneling kills plants and grass. Soil insulates plant roots, and when roots become disengaged from tunneling, cold weather freezes the roots, thus killing the plant or grass. In addition, during the warmer months, roots will dry out without having access to water in the soil. To have your garden mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management today at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work!


Bats in Attic

July 28th, 2016

For bat control services in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Bats in Attic: Bats are great mammals to have around. If you’ve ever observed a bat feeding at twilight, you already know why – they eat a variety of flying insects, including mosquitoes. Despite the advantages of having bats around, there are many serious disadvantages to having them in your home. First, they can create significant damage to structures. Bats create foul latrines, made up of both guano and urine that cause a horrible odor, soil insulation, and can weaken the structure. When entering and exiting a structure, bats defecate, leaving staining along the home. In addition, they leave black, oily rub marks at entries.

Bats also pose health/hygiene concerns including rabies, histoplasmosis, and bat bugs. When bats transmit rabies, it is most typically through a bite. If bitten, the bat should always be tested if it can be caught. If the bat is not caught, or if it tests positive for rabies, rabies shots must be taken. Without treatment, rabies ends in death. Sometimes a bat is found in the living space of a home. If the bat had access to children or anyone who may not know/may not be able to communicate that they’ve been bitten, rabies shots are encouraged. Although the most serious, rabies is not the most common threat that bats pose. Histoplasmosis is a common lung disease caused by a fungus that grows on guano. It is important to always wear the proper protective gear when in the same vicinity as bat guano, as the fungus is easily disturbed. Although bat bugs pose no serious health threat, just like bed bugs, they are a parasitic nuisance that nobody wants to live with.

The courteous staff at Tri-State Wildlife will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat or wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Bat Management Plan beginning with an inspection and customer education followed by bat removal and exclusion of intrusive bats or wildlife, clean-up, repair/restoration and prevention.

Tri-State Wildlife Management handles bat removal and exclusion differently than other home-invading species; instead of trapping, bats are removed only through an exclusion process. We use bat exclusion equipment that allows bats to leave your home, but the equipment makes reentry impossible. Bats can fit through the tiniest of gaps, so our experienced technician completes a thorough inspection of your home or business to determine all entry points and at risk areas. After we are sure all bats have left, entries are repaired with wildlife grade construction materials. Bats are very persistent creatures, and without all entries and at risk areas repaired, with bat deterrent materials, they will find a way back into your home. Tri-State Wildlife Management is so confident in their bat exclusion work that we back up our exclusion repairs with a 100% guarantee.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.


Kenton County, KY Bat Control Tri-State Wildlife Management

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

For bat removal and exclusion services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Garden Mole Control

July 27th, 2016

For Garden Mole Control in Newport, KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your well-manicured lawn? Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in garden mole removal, and is the answer to your problem! We use the most sound, research-proven techniques for mole management. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Eastern moles are prevalent from the Atlantic coast to the Great Plains, and from Michigan into Florida. Moles live underground their entire lives in a network of underground runway tunnels and burrows. Moles are solitary animals, but on occasion their tunnels may intersect with the independent tunnels of another mole. Multiple moles may live underneath the same yard, and sometimes are trapped at the same spot. Moles have both deep tunnels that lead to their denning sites or nesting area, as well as shallow, surface tunnels that are used for feeding. Feeder tunnels may be used once and then left abandoned, while others may be used multiple times. Moles never have runways above ground. Homeowners usually realize they have a mole problem when they see raised grass from underground surface tunnels, or when they see mole mounds. Mole mounds are made when excess dirt is pushed out of the ground as a mole tunnels.

Moles are a nuisance when they occupy a yard, because their surface tunnels kill grass and plants, as well as leave unsightly raised ridges in the lawn. Plants and grass die from shallow surface tunnels because the roots are disengaged from the soil. In the warmer months, the plants and grass may die because they no longer have the soil as a source of water. During the winter, roots freeze from the lack of insulation soil provides.

Moles continuously dig in search of food, at a rate of eighteen feet per hour, and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute. They eat from 70% to 100% of their weight in earthworms and insects each day to supply the energy for constant tunneling. They prefer to hunt in cool, moist soil, where worms and insects can be found in abundance. Den sites are usually in high, dry ground, although deeper beneath the surface. Moles cover more underground area than most subterranean animals because of their food requirements. During the colder months, and during bouts of hot weather, moles dig deeper beneath the surface. So even during the winter when you may not see new ridges or mounds in your yard, moles continue to be active.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

To get rid of your garden mole problem sooner rather than later, call the professionals of Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind our work.

Garden Mole Removal

July 26th, 2016

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? For garden mole removal in Northern Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Although there are seven know species of moles in the US, Northern Kentuckians are familiar with the Eastern Mole. Moles can live up to seven years; however, most live three years. Moles have a blunt, stocky body and large feet and claws for digging. Their fur is velvet-like and will smooth in either direction for turning in tunnels. Moles can quickly wreak havoc on a lawn since they tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. They have small eyes and very poor eyesight. The mole’s sense of smell is very good and they use their long nose to search for food.  Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Many people believe that treating their lawn will solve their mole problem, but this isn’t the case, since earthworms are the main component of their diet. Insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well.  Moles have two types of tunnels -surface tunnels and deep tunnels. The deep tunnels are used during winter when it’s cold and in the summer when it’s hot. They also make mole mounds which are very visible. Moles like their living quarters to be on higher ground.

Mole Removal Edgewood KY

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

To have your mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, call today at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Garden Mole Problem

July 25th, 2016

If you have a garden mole problem, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Mole Removal Alexandria KY

Moles become quite a nuisance when they take up residence in your yard. Although you will never see a mole since they live exclusively underground, they very literally leave paths of destruction as evidence of their presence. They can dig at a rate of 18 feet per hour, so it doesn’t take long for them to noticeably damage your lawn. Moles have runways and burrows deep beneath the surface of your lawn, but they also have surface tunnels, which are shallow, underground paths used for hunting worms, insects, and grubs. Moles create ridges in your yard when tunneling just below the surface. You may also spot mole mounds, which are accumulated dirt from tunneling.

Moles do more damage than create unsightly ridges and mole mounds in your yard; they also kills grass and plants. When moles dig surface tunnels, it causes the roots to disengage from the surrounding soil. In the winter, the roots freeze from lack of insulation from the soil, killing the grass or plants. In the warmer months, the roots lose their access to the water from the soil. If not corrected, the the affected grass/plants die.

To take the guess work out of mole management, a trapping program should be implemented to ensure the violating mole can no longer be a nuisance. There are many home remedies that claim to rid your lawn or garden of moles, but there are no repellents or frightening devices that are proven effective (Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management). If the mole isn’t removed, problems will continue to arise. Trapping is the most effective and safest method of mole control, therefore the method used by Tri-State Wildlife Management. Let us take care of your mole problem for you!

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work.

Call the experts at Tri-State Wildlife Management for garden mole removal. We’ll rid your yard of pesky moles, safely and effectively! (859) 635-0037

Garden Mole Control

July 22nd, 2016

Are moles wreaking havoc in your yard?

Garden Mole Control


Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for garden mole control in Florence, KY (41042).

Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

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