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Posts Tagged ‘Covington KY Bat Removal’

Bats in Attic

July 10th, 2018

For bat control services in northern Kentucky or Cincinnati, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Bats in Attic: Bats are great creatures to have around. If you’ve ever witnessed a bat feeding at twilight, you already know why – they eat a variety of flying insects, including mosquitoes. Despite the advantages of having bats around, there are many serious disadvantages to having them in your home. First, they can create significant damage to buildings. Bats create foul latrines, made up of both guano and urine that cause a horrible odor, soil insulation, and can weaken the structural integrity of a buildilng. When entering and exiting a structure, bats defecate, leaving staining along the home. In addition, they leave black, oily rub marks at entries.

Bats also pose health/hygiene concerns which include rabies, histoplasmosis, and bat bugs. When bats transmit rabies, it is most typically through a bite or scratch. If bitten, the bat should always be tested if it can be caught. If the bat is not caught, or if it tests positive for rabies, rabies shots must be taken. Without treatment, rabies ends in death. Sometimes a bat is found in the living space of a home. If the bat had access to children or anyone who may not know/may not be able to communicate that they’ve been bitten, rabies shots are encouraged. Although the most serious, rabies is not the most common threat that bats pose. Histoplasmosis is a common lung disease caused by a fungus that grows on guano. It is important to always wear the proper protective gear when in the same vicinity as bat guano, as the fungus is easily disturbed. Although bat bugs pose no serious health threat, just like bed bugs, they are a parasitic nuisance that nobody wants to live with.

Tri-State Wildlife will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat or wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Bat Management Plan beginning with an inspection followed by bat removal and exclusion of intrusive bats, clean-up, repair/restoration and prevention.

Tri-State Wildlife Management handles bat removal and exclusion differently than other home-invading species; instead of trapping, bats are removed only through an exclusion process. We use bat exclusion equipment that allows bats to leave your home, but the equipment makes reentry impossible. Bats can fit through the tiniest of gaps, so our experienced technician completes a thorough inspection of your home or business to determine all entry points and at risk areas. After we are sure all bats have left, entries are repaired with wildlife grade construction materials. Bats are very persistent creatures, and without all entries and at risk areas repaired, with bat deterrent materials, they will find a way back into your home.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

For bat removal and exclusion services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal

Will Bats Fly During a Solar Eclipse?

August 21st, 2017

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management for Professional Bat Removal Services in Northern Kentucky and the Greater Cincinnati area 859-635-0037. Serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.

There have been a lot of articles circulating online in regards to the solar eclipse and the strange phenomenon that will occur during this time. Vets and animal experts are advising to keep pets indoors to protect there eyes from permeate damage. However, this leads one to wonder how wild animals will react to this rare occurrence. One article in particular on knowledge news states that it is “difficult for scientist to say conclusively how much the moon blocking out the sun’s rays has affected animals over the years since the events are always so brief. Despite this limited observation window there have been odd behavior observed in insects, birds, and mammals such as chimpanzees, cows, and giraffes. With all of the unknown about animals and their reaction to the eclipse it started me thinking about whether or not traditionally nocturnal animals will suddenly become active. More specifically whether or not bats will leave their roost and fly during a solar eclipse.

One thing to consider when pondering this concept is an animals typical cycle of activity. Most people are familiar with diurnal (active during the day) and nocturnal (active at night), however most people are unaware of the term crepuscular. Crepuscular is derived from the Latin word for twilight and describes animals that are primarily active during dusk and dawn. Rabbits, deer, skunks, opossums, and the common house cat are some of the most commonly known crepuscular animals that we have in this area. Uniquely enough these animals are also known to be active on overcast days and moonlit nights. Therefore, one might observe more active behavior from these animals during such an occurrence as a solar eclipse.

Since we are in the heart of bat exclusion season, and juvenile bats have finally started leaving the roost, one can only wonder if these irresponsible teenagers will attempt to leave the roost during the day of a solar eclipse. Will bats fly during a solar eclipse? According to Chris Smith, of the Naked Scientists based out of Cambridge University, bats like humans and many other mammals have an internal clock that allows them to fall asleep and wake on a pretty predictable cycle. “It’s called the suprachiasmatic nucleus and that keeps time. It is a few thousand nerve cells, maybe 20,000 nerve cells that are all interconnected and they are running a genetic program. This molecular clockwork takes about 24 hours to go round a complete cycle.” “So these nerve cells become more or less active and they secrete various hormones into the blood stream, and they go round the body and inform all of the tissues in the body that have their own body clocks, what time it is. So you have this master clock in your head and you have these other slave clocks – if you like- in every cell in your body. That’s how your tissues know what time of days it is.” According to Chris some animals, such as bats, have their clocks reversed. Causing them to awake during twilight/dusk and retreat to bed at dawn.

In addition to a bats internal clock, bats also use the sun, moon, and the earths magnetic field to navigate. “They know where the moon is, and they know where east and west is, because they know where the sun is setting and they know where it is rising and they set their body clocks with the earth’s magnetic field as well. So they have a magnetic response element in their brains, they look at where the sun is in the sky. They then know that the sun rises and sets east and west. They know what time it is in their body clock and they lock their body clock onto the magnetic signal of the earth, and they know which direction to fly.” Further more, according to one researcher if you make a bat “jet lagged” by interrupting their cycle and exposure to light and dark they can actually fly off in the wrong direction.

After my readings I think I am going to be more interested in the wildlife around me than the solar eclipse. I hope to catch the deer and rabbits running through the back yard, and maybe a few bats flying through the sky. Either way it’s going to be an interesting day.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is committed to helping wildlife and people live communally while protecting you, your health, and your property. If you are currently experiencing a bat issue in your home or property, please give us a call at 859-635-0037.

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal

August 17th, 2017

For Bat Removal Services in Kentucky, Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037

Northern Kentucky Bat Removal Specialists.

The news media is often guilty of sensationalizing stories about rabid bats or bat colonies in buildings and the dangers involved; however, like many native wildlife a very small percentage of bats contract rabies and of that small percentage, an even smaller percentage will come in contact with humans or pets. With that said, it is always wise to practice common sense and use caution around them and avoid direct contact, as well as ensure that your pets are properly vaccinated. Bat bites and other physical contact may go undetected by individuals who are asleep, children and pets. In recent years there has been an increase in the percentage of bats testing positive for rabies.

In addition to the foul smell and unsanitary conditions, accumulated bat droppings can support the growth of histoplasmosis, an airborne fungal disease very common in the Tri-State area. Dry attic environments usually do not support the growth of histoplasmosis spores, however attic clean outs should never be conducted by a home or business owner! Many experts agree that the safest guano is undisturbed guano. Due to the risk of exposure during extraction, guano removal should be left to trained professionals with the proper, safe and removal equipment.

Bats in Attic

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bat and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

For Northern Kentucky Bat Removal, or Bat Removal in Ohio, or Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management! (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Alexandria, KY – Exclusion, Repair, Attic Cleanups

August 12th, 2017

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management for Professional Bat Removal Services in Alexandria, KY. 859-635-0037. Serving Northern Kentucky and Greater Cincinnati.

lots of bats

Bat information for the home or business owner experiencing bat pro0blems:

Bat Removal Alexandria, KY: Bats are found worldwide and include about 900 species; however, there are only 40 species living in the United States. The Greater Cincinnati area typically only deals with two types of bats; the little brown bat and the big brown bat, although Indiana bats are also native to the area they are very rarely found in dwellings. Bats are nocturnal and tend to be rather shy. Because of their habits and old superstitions, people seem to have more fear of bats than they need to. Both the little brown bat and the big brown bat are dark in color and live in colonies. Roosting in attics, wall spaces, chimneys, siding, shingles, behind shutters, barns and in between tree bark is all common. All attics if not sealed properly run the risk of needing bat removal.

Adult bats breed in the fall and bear their young May through July. Little brown bats usually have one pup while big brown bats typically have two. Weaning occurs in July and August when the young are old enough to fly. It is during this time that juvenile bats often mistakenly find their way in to living quarters. As a general rule, in our area, big brown bats tend to be year-round residents, while little brown bats may stay or leave the area to hibernate.
Bats become a nuisance when their close proximity to humans brings them into living areas during season changes. Many times, however, homeowners may have bats in their home, but do not realize it until one or two accidentally find themselves in the living space of a house or basement. Another way that homeowners realize they have “bats in the belfry” is when a noticeable pile of droppings known as guano is found lying on the ground or windowsill alongside the house. Above this pile, usually up in the soffit area or attic vent area, there is a hole for entry and exit. When bat guano and urine build up in an attic or wall space, the smell gets very strong –this is one more indicator of bat presence in a home. Bats present a danger because they are a carrier of rabies and their guano can lead to a lung disease called histoplasmosis. Exclusion is important because of these threats. For this reason, TSWM also offers full attic clean outs with sanitizing and deodorizing. Because of the pups’ inability to fly out, TSWM cannot remove bats between mid-May and mid-August. This is crucial information when excluding bats from your residence.

Due to expanding human populations reducing wildlife habitat, and humans creating more comfortable habitat, many species of wildlife at one time or another require management actions to reduce conflicts with people, property, and pets or with other wildlife species. In many cases wildlife species have found a way to co-exist with their human neighbors. Sometimes conflicts do arise and action is needed to protect the wildlife, humans, pets or property.

TSWM’s goal is to alleviate the problems that sometimes occur where wildlife and humans co-exist by providing information for homeowners to make good decisions to deter wildlife whenever possible. M Sometimes wildlife needs to be removed when no other solution can be reached.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is your full service Bat Management Specialist, offering bat exclusion , repair, and attic cleanups. Nationally Certified Bat Standard Compliant. 859-635-0037 Call Today!

Got Bats?

October 24th, 2016

Got Bats? For bat removal in Covington, KY call the experts at Tri-State Wildlife Management. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Bat Removal Covington, KY

Covington, KY Bat Removal and Exclusion Bats are great mammals to have around, as they hunt mosquitoes and other insects at dusk, just when insects’ presence are at their climax. However, bats become unwelcome guests when they find a nice comfortable home in your home or business, entering through construction gaps, unsecured louver vents, chimneys, or any hole larger than 3/8 inches. If your home or business is occupied by bats, you may witness bats going in and out, or bat droppings (guano) underneath the bats’ main entrance(s). Homes and buildings are great places for bats to use as hibernating sites and as maternal roosts (a place to raise their young before they are able to fly).

What should you do if you find yourself sharing your home or business with bats? Tri-State Wildlife Management (TSWM) is your solution to your bat problem. Our courteous staff will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat intrusion or damage issue. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Management Plan beginning with a full bat inspection and customer education followed by bat removal and exclusionclean-up, repair/restoration and prevention. The removal process used by TSWM allows for bats to exit your attic while preventing reentry. During this process, no bats are harmed and they easily find another place to lodge.

Bats are protected under federal and state law; however, TSWM has the expertise and experience to offer legal and humane exclusions and repairs. A bat’s seasonal cycle, such as roosting and dispersal periods, affect how and when they can be removed from your home or business. For example, TSWM will not seal up the main bat entry into your attic if juveniles are too young to fly, or if bats are hibernating. In both circumstances, bats will be trapped inside, causing unnecessary death, as well as an associated odor. In the winter, full bat exclusion is not permissible until mild nighttime temperatures return in early spring. Sometimes we experience a 1-2 week warm spell in the winter. If this happens, TSWM can take the opportunity to fully exclude bats. When temperatures warm up, bats leave their hibernation site to hunt, therefore ensuring no bats are trapped inside.

Since bats are persistent, they often attempt to use new entry points into a structure after their main entry is sealed. Tri-State Wildlife Management offers effective solutions to this issue as part of your Integrated Management Plan. The slightest construction gap or vulnerable area on your home can become another bat entry, so TSWM repairs and seals all at-risk areas. All attics if not sealed properly run the risk of needing bat removal at one time or another. A contractor’s or homeowner’s repairs and materials may not keep bats out of your home. Wildlife grade materials properly installed by TSWM are guaranteed. When addressing a bat issue in your home or business, best practices should always be used. The experienced professionals at Tri-State Wildlife Management will provide you with a cost effective solution to your bat issue.

To resolve your bat issue before it’s too late, call Tri-State Wildlife Management today to set up an inspection appointment. (859) 635-0037

Bats in Attic

July 28th, 2016

For bat control services in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Bats in Attic: Bats are great mammals to have around. If you’ve ever observed a bat feeding at twilight, you already know why – they eat a variety of flying insects, including mosquitoes. Despite the advantages of having bats around, there are many serious disadvantages to having them in your home. First, they can create significant damage to structures. Bats create foul latrines, made up of both guano and urine that cause a horrible odor, soil insulation, and can weaken the structure. When entering and exiting a structure, bats defecate, leaving staining along the home. In addition, they leave black, oily rub marks at entries.

Bats also pose health/hygiene concerns including rabies, histoplasmosis, and bat bugs. When bats transmit rabies, it is most typically through a bite. If bitten, the bat should always be tested if it can be caught. If the bat is not caught, or if it tests positive for rabies, rabies shots must be taken. Without treatment, rabies ends in death. Sometimes a bat is found in the living space of a home. If the bat had access to children or anyone who may not know/may not be able to communicate that they’ve been bitten, rabies shots are encouraged. Although the most serious, rabies is not the most common threat that bats pose. Histoplasmosis is a common lung disease caused by a fungus that grows on guano. It is important to always wear the proper protective gear when in the same vicinity as bat guano, as the fungus is easily disturbed. Although bat bugs pose no serious health threat, just like bed bugs, they are a parasitic nuisance that nobody wants to live with.

The courteous staff at Tri-State Wildlife will work for you to provide a cost effective solution to your bat or wildlife intrusion and/or damage issue. As a full service company, we initiate an Integrated Bat Management Plan beginning with an inspection and customer education followed by bat removal and exclusion of intrusive bats or wildlife, clean-up, repair/restoration and prevention.

Tri-State Wildlife Management handles bat removal and exclusion differently than other home-invading species; instead of trapping, bats are removed only through an exclusion process. We use bat exclusion equipment that allows bats to leave your home, but the equipment makes reentry impossible. Bats can fit through the tiniest of gaps, so our experienced technician completes a thorough inspection of your home or business to determine all entry points and at risk areas. After we are sure all bats have left, entries are repaired with wildlife grade construction materials. Bats are very persistent creatures, and without all entries and at risk areas repaired, with bat deterrent materials, they will find a way back into your home. Tri-State Wildlife Management is so confident in their bat exclusion work that we back up our exclusion repairs with a 100% guarantee.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with bats and wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.


Kenton County, KY Bat Control Tri-State Wildlife Management

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

For bat removal and exclusion services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Bat Removal

July 19th, 2016

For bat removal in northern Kentucky, Cincinnati, or southeast Indiana, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Covington, KY Bat Removal: If you have bats living in your attic or chimney, put Tri-State Wildlife Management’s experience and expertise to work for you. We offer full service exclusions and repairs to ensure that the bats are gone for good. TSWM also offers full attic cleanups after bats are removed and excluded.

Having bats in your home is an unsettling and serious problem, even if they are confined to the attic. Not only do they urinate and defecate anywhere they roost, causing staining and odor problems which are difficult to remove, they are associated with diseases which are dangerous to humans, including rabies and histoplasmosis (a lung disease caused by the spores of fungus which grow on their droppings or guano). Tri-State Wildlife Management can take care of your bat problem and make life normal again for you and your family.

While bats are very beneficial to humans because of their affinity for many flying insects, such as mosquitoes, if they find their way into your home and take up residence, they can also be some of the most destructive, dangerous, and expensive wildlife to control.

Since bats are a protected species, removal should be done by a trained professional, such as our trained technicians.  In addition, we perform repairs and/or restorations to your home or business to prevent re-entry. TSWM also offers partial and full attic cleanups after bat exclusion.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is Certified Bat Standard Compliant by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association.

Tri-State Wildlife Management offers Bat Removal in Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana. To have your bat problem taken care of sooner rather than later, call us today! Put our experience and expertise to work for you.

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