Holey Moley – Alexandria, KY Mole Removal

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your well-manicured lawn? Tri-State Wildlife Management is the answer to your problem. TSWM offers mole removal in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, including Alexandria, KY mole removal. For mole removal services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.


Tri-State Wildlife Management has experienced a sharp increase in mole calls this spring compared to years past. Many customers are saying that they have had sporadic mole activity in previous years, but this year the moles are wreaking havoc in their yards!  The common expression,”Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill” implies that mole hills (and moles) aren’t a problem to take seriously. Obviously the people who started that expression didn’t have a mole infestation wreaking havoc in their yard! Tri-State Wildlife Management understands the headache that moles cause for homeowners, so TSWM uses the most effective methods to take care of your mole problem.

The Eastern Mole is found in much of the United States. Although there are seven know species of moles in the US, we in the Greater Cincinnati Area are familiar with the Eastern Mole. Moles can live up to seven years; however, most live three years. Moles have a blunt, stocky body and large feet and claws for digging. Their fur is velvet-like and will smooth in either direction for turning in tunnels.

Moles tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. They have small eyes and very poor eyesight. The mole’s sense of smell is very good and they use their long nose to search for food.  Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Earthworms are the main component of their diet; however, insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well. Moles have two types of tunnels -surface tunnels and deep tunnels. The deep tunnels are used during winter when it’s cold and in the summer when it’s hot. They also make mole mounds which are very visible. Moles like their living quarters to be on higher ground.

To have your mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, call us today! Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

TSWM offers mole removal in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky, including Alexandria, KY mole removal For mole removal services, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 or (513) 853-0037.