Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY (41017)

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Villa Hills, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY - Bat Guano  srcset=

Bat Guano on Villa Hills, KY Home

Bat Removal Villa Hills, KY (41017): Tri-State Wildlife Management is busy with bats. One of the most obvious signs of bat entry in a home or business is the presence of bat guano near an entry point. The picture above is from a house in Villa Hills, KY where bats are entering near the gutter.

According to the Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management, bats defecate right before going into their entry point and below their roost site. Bat droppings are similar to mouse droppings, so the following are some indicators that you’re dealing with bats and not mice: a shiny appearance from insect contents, clusters of droppings (latrines), and crumbly when dry. It is important to note, however, that a fungus that grows on  bat guano releases spores that can cause Histoplasmosis, so care should be taken with bat guano. Check out the Centers for Disease Control for more information on Histoplasmosis.

As always, TSWM strongly recommends to the home or business owner that all at-risk or vulnerable areas also be repaired / strengthened because after bats are excluded, they will attempt (usually successfully) to get in from other areas, and we’re back at square one.

Once bat(s) are accustomed to a building, they return every year and use it as a maternal roost where they have and raise their young. This habit is perpetuated when the once juvenile females return and have their own young. Essentially, year after year, the number of bats in a structure multiplies if not dealt with effectively.

For Bat Removal and Exclusion Services in Villa Hills, KY (41017) or anywhere in the NKY/Cincy/SE IN area, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.