Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for mole removal in Northern Kentucky.
The old saying “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill” was clearly coined by someone who never had a mole problem in their yard! Moles can be very destructive to a lawn, and it can be difficult to rid your property of them. Moles create both deep tunnels that are undetectable, as well as surface tunnels, which are very shallow. In addition, as moles tunnel and move dirt out of their way, they can create mounds of dirt at the surface. Moles tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. During bouts of hot or cold temperatures, moles continue to make more deep tunnels, so even though you didn’t see mole activity during the winter, they were just as active, but undetectable. Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Earthworms are the main component of their diet; however, insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well.
Moles are unwanted guests in a yard because their surface tunnels and dirt mounds are unsightly. More importantly, mole tunneling kills plants and grass. Soil insulates plant roots, and when roots become disengaged from tunneling, cold weather freezes the roots, thus killing the plant or grass. In addition, during the warmer months, roots will dry out without having access to water in the soil. To have your mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management today at (859) 635-0037.
Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work!