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Garden Mole Removal

April 11th, 2016

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? For yard mole removal in Northern Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in yard mole removal, and is the answer to your problem! We use the most sound, research-proven techniques for mole management. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Mole Removal Villa Hills KY

Northern Kentuckians are familiar with the eastern mole, which is prevalent from the Atlantic coast to the Great Plains, and from Michigan into Florida. Moles live underground their entire lives in a network of underground runway tunnels and burrows. Moles are solitary animals, but on occasion their tunnels may intersect with the independent tunnels of another mole. Multiple moles may live underneath the same yard, and sometimes are trapped at the same spot. Moles have both deep tunnels that lead to their denning sites or nesting area, as well as shallow, surface tunnels that are used for feeding. Feeder tunnels may be used once and then left abandoned, while others may be used multiple times. Moles never have runways above ground. Homeowners usually realize they have a mole problem when they see raised grass from underground surface tunnels, or when they see mole mounds. Mole mounds are made when excess dirt is pushed out of the ground as a mole tunnels.

Moles are a nuisance when they occupy a yard, because their surface tunnels kill grass and plants, as well as leave unsightly raised ridges in the lawn. Plants and grass die from shallow surface tunnels because the roots are disengaged from the soil. In the warmer months, the plants and grass may die because they no longer have the soil as a source of water. During the winter, roots freeze from the lack of insulation soil provides.

Moles continuously dig in search of food, at a rate of eighteen feet per hour, and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute. They eat from 70% to 100% of their weight in earthworms and insects each day to supply the energy for constant tunneling. They prefer to hunt in cool, moist soil, where worms and insects can be found in abundance. Den sites are usually in high, dry ground, although deeper beneath the surface. Moles cover more underground area than most subterranean animals because of their food requirements. During the colder months, and during bouts of hot weather, moles dig deeper beneath the surface. So even during the winter when you may not see new ridges or mounds in your yard, moles continue to be active.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Mole Removal Villa Hills KY: To get rid of your yard moles problem sooner rather than later, call the professionals of Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind our work.

Yard Mole Removal

April 8th, 2016

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? For yard mole removal in Northern Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Although there are seven know species of moles in the US, Northern Kentuckians are familiar with the Eastern Mole. Moles can live up to seven years; however, most live three years. Moles have a blunt, stocky body and large feet and claws for digging. Their fur is velvet-like and will smooth in either direction for turning in tunnels. Moles can quickly wreak havoc on a lawn since they tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. They have small eyes and very poor eyesight. The mole’s sense of smell is very good and they use their long nose to search for food.  Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Many people believe that treating their lawn will solve their mole problem, but this isn’t the case, since earthworms are the main component of their diet. Insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well.  Moles have two types of tunnels -surface tunnels and deep tunnels. The deep tunnels are used during winter when it’s cold and in the summer when it’s hot. They also make mole mounds which are very visible. Moles like their living quarters to be on higher ground.

Mole Removal Edgewood KY

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

Mole Removal Edgewood KY: To have your mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, call today at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Garden Mole Removal

April 7th, 2016

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your lawn or garden? Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for mole removal in Northern Kentucky.

Mole Removal Ft. Mitchell KY

The old saying “Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill” was clearly coined by someone who never had a mole problem in their yard! Moles can be very destructive to a lawn, and it can be difficult to rid your property of them. Moles create both deep tunnels that are undetectable, as well as surface tunnels, which are very shallow. In addition, as moles tunnel and move dirt out of their way, they can create mounds of dirt at the surface. Moles tunnel up to eighteen feet per hour and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute in the tunnel. During bouts of hot or cold temperatures, moles continue to make more deep tunnels, so even though you didn’t see mole activity during the winter, they were just as active, but undetectable. Moles are opportunistic feeders and consume almost any insect they find. Earthworms are the main component of their diet; however, insects including grubs, ants and ant larva make up their diet as well.

Moles are unwanted guests in a yard  because their surface tunnels and dirt mounds are unsightly. More importantly, mole tunneling kills plants and grass. Soil insulates plant roots, and when roots become disengaged from tunneling, cold weather freezes the roots, thus killing the plant or grass. In addition, during the warmer months, roots will dry out without having access to water in the soil. To have your mole problem taken care of sooner rather than later, Call Tri-State Wildlife Management today at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work!

Garden Mole Removal Ft. Mitchell KY: Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for effective mole removal. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!



Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work.

For Mole or Chipmunk Removal in Northern Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Snake Removal in Northern KY

April 1st, 2016

For snake removal in Northern KY call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Snake Removal in Northern KY

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment
Snake Removal in Northern KY: Snakes enter houses, barns and other buildings when habitat conditions are suitable inside the buildings. They are attracted to rodents and insects as well as cool, damp, dark areas often associated with buildings.
Snakes are specialized animals, having elongated bodies and no legs. They have no ears, externally or internally, and no eyelids. Snakes have a long forked tongue which helps them smell. The jaws are loosely connected so the snake can swallow food much larger than its head. Because snakes are cold-blooded and not very active, one meal may last them several days or weeks. Also, because they are cold-blooded, they may hibernate during cold weather months or estivate during hot summer months. Some snakes lay eggs while others have live births.
Nonvenomous snakes are harmless to humans. In most cases, a snake will slither away when approached if it feels it can reach safety. Most snakes react only when cornered. A nonvenomous snake bite has no venom and can do no more harm than frighten the victim. Snakes are one of the most feared animals on the planet. Most people shudder at the very thought of a snake. Tri-State Wildlife Management is here to ease the tension and take care of the removal process for the home or business owner.
Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management for removal and control of snakes, moles, groundhogs, chipmunks, mice, skunks, and bats.


Groundhog Trapping and Removal

March 31st, 2016

For effective groundhog, mole, skunk, chipmunk, snake, or mouse removal in Northern KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

If you have a groundhog problem or have had one in the past year, now is the time to trap groundhogs and remove them. Groundhogs are difficult to trap in late spring and early summer because trapping bait must compete with delicious, readily-available food from gardens, flowerbeds, yards, etc. Fresh food is much more enticing than bait, which can never stay as fresh. At this time of year, a groundhog’s food sources are limited, so we are more successful in luring them into a trap with bait.

Groundhog Trapping Alexandria, KY


Although pastures and open fields are favorite areas for groundhogs to den, it is not uncommon for them to burrow in urban areas under or alongside the foundation of houses and buildings.  The main entrance to their burrow is evident by the pile of soft, powdery dirt next to the entrance. Secondary entrances are sometimes difficult to locate because they lack this pile of dirt. Each opening is about 10 inches in diameter. The groundhog’s range is surprisingly close, averaging 50-150 feet from its den.  However, males may travel long distances while looking for a mate, and these males have even been seen traveling at night.

Groundhogs become a nuisance when they excavate next to foundations or under buildings.  Their eating habits do not typically conflict with humans; however, gnawing on underground power cables or electric lines causes power outages.  The only way homeowners can discourage groundhogs from digging in their yard is to trap and remove all groundhogs in the area.

Groundhogs are found throughout much of the eastern portion of the United States, most of Canada and into Alaska.  They enjoy activity during the day, especially warm, sunny afternoons in the spring and fall.  They can often be found sunning themselves in an open field, or on a wall or fence.  The groundhog has a solid, stocky body and very strong legs.  Its front feet have long claws suited for digging burrows.  Its fur is very coarse, and mostly brown in color.  The groundhog is a member of the squirrel family; however, unlike squirrels, groundhogs fall into a deep state of hibernation during the winter months. Because groundhogs’ eyes, ears, and nose are located toward the top of their head, they can check for danger while remaining in their burrow. Groundhogs are herbivores and favorite foods are grasses (especially alfalfa and clover), vegetables and fruit. They enjoy feeding in the early morning and late afternoon.

Alexandria, KY Groundhog Removal (41001): For groundhog removal in northern Kentucky, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037

Wildlife Removal and Control in Northern KY

March 30th, 2016

Wildlife Removal and Control Northern KY

Wildlife Removal and Control in Northern KY: Tri-State Wildlife Management understands that having animals invade your home or property can cause a great deal of stress. TSWM has the experience and the expertise to resolve your wildlife problems, so you can put your mind at ease. We provide cost efficient, practical, and effective solutions to wildlife nuisance and damage issues, especially problems with bats, moles, skunks, groundhogs, chipmunks, mice, and snakes.

As a full service company, TSWM initiates an Integrated Wildlife Management Program beginning with an inspection and customer education, followed by removal of intrusive wildlife and repair of wildlife damage. We also provide prevention, restoration, cleanup services, and habitat modification. TSWM also offers dead animal removal services.

We strive for the most humane and environmentally effective techniques for dealing with wildlife problems. Tri-State Wildlife Management’s use of modern innovative methods provides sound wildlife management services to ensure the protection of our customers’ investments and health.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

For Wildlife Removal and Control in Northern KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Yard Mole Problem in Northern KY

March 29th, 2016

If you have a yard mole problem in Northern KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

Northern KY Mole Control

Moles become quite a nuisance when they take up residence in your yard. Although you will never see a mole since they live exclusively underground, they very literally leave paths of destruction as evidence of their presence. They can dig at a rate of 18 feet per hour, so it doesn’t take long for them to noticeably damage your lawn. Moles have runways and burrows deep beneath the surface of your lawn, but they also have surface tunnels, which are shallow, underground paths used for hunting worms, insects, and grubs. Moles create ridges in your yard when tunneling just below the surface. You may also spot mole mounds, which are accumulated dirt from tunneling. Moles do more damage than create unsightly ridges and mole mounds in your yard; they also kills grass and plants. When moles dig surface tunnels, it causes the roots to disengage from the surrounding soil. In the winter, the roots freeze from lack of insulation from the soil, killing the grass or plants. In the warmer months, the roots lose their access to the water from the soil. If not corrected, the the affected grass/plants die.

To take the guess work out of mole management, a trapping program should be implemented to ensure the violating mole can no longer be a nuisance. There are many home remedies that claim to rid your lawn or garden of moles, but there are no repellents or frightening devices that are proven effective (Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management). If the mole isn’t removed, problems will continue to arise. Trapping is the most effective and safest method of mole control, therefore the method used by Tri-State Wildlife Management. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind all our work. Let us take care of your mole problem for you!

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment.

For effective mole, groundhog, skunk, chipmunk, snake, or mouse removal in Northern KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Mouse Control in Northern KY

March 23rd, 2016

For Mouse Control in Northern KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Northern KY Mouse Removal Tri-State Wildlife Management

Mouse Control in Northern KY: All homes and buildings are susceptible to mice, although we often go unaware of their presence. Mice usually stay out of sight, choosing to stay in unoccupied areas of a home or building. Attics, walls, duct work, crawlspaces, and basements are some very common places that mice reside. If mice are detected, it’s usually because they hear scratching or squeaking coming from the ceiling or walls.

It can be difficult to determine whether a mouse/mice is the culprit making the noise.  Not until a thorough inspection is complete can the animal be identified. Noises made from squirrels, birds, or bats are often mistaken for mice, and vice versa. Less often, physical evidence left by mice is found. Some of the most common physical signs of mice include chew marks, crumbs, nesting materials, and droppings.

If mice are present, Tri-State Wildlife Management can implement a mouse trapping program. The trapping program will be targeted to the areas of the home where mice are suspected of occupying. Trap placement is based on present mouse sign and a discussion with the homeowner about where mouse sign has been observed. After the inspection and trap set up, TSWM and the homeowner stay in contact to discuss checking and removing traps.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all our work

Tri-State Wildlife Management - Independence, KY Squirrel Removal

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for removal and control of mice, moles, groundhogs, skunks, snakes, chipmunks, bats, and more.We strive for the most effective, humane, and environmentally sound methods to ensure the protection of our customers’ property and health.

Alexandria, KY Groundhog Removal (41001)

March 22nd, 2016

Are groundhogs digging in your yard or eating from your garden? For groundhog removal and exclusion, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

Groundhog - Tri-State Wildlife Management

Alexandria, KY Groundhog Removal (41001): If you have a groundhog problem or have had one in the past year, now is the time to trap groundhogs and remove them. March, followed closely by April, is the best month out of the year to trap groundhogs. Their food supply is limited, they are coming out to sun themselves after a long winter, and their young have not been born. Groundhogs breed in March and April, with a gestation period of 32 days. Young are weaned by late June or early July.

Although pastures and open fields are favorite areas for groundhogs to den, it is not uncommon for them to burrow in urban areas under or alongside the foundation of houses and buildings.  The main entrance to their burrow is evident by the pile of soft, powdery dirt next to the entrance. Secondary entrances are sometimes difficult to locate because they lack this pile of dirt. Each opening is about 10 inches in diameter. The groundhog’s range is surprisingly close, averaging 50-150 feet from its den.  However, males may travel long distances while looking for a mate, and these males have even been seen traveling at night.

Groundhogs become a nuisance when they excavate next to foundations or under buildings.  Their eating habits do not typically conflict with humans; however, gnawing on underground power cables or electric lines causes power outages.  The only way homeowners can discourage groundhogs from digging in their yard is to trap and remove all groundhogs in the area.

Groundhogs are found throughout much of the eastern portion of the United States, most of Canada and into Alaska.  They enjoy activity during the day, especially warm, sunny afternoons in the spring and fall.  They can often be found sunning themselves in an open field, or on a wall or fence.  The groundhog has a solid, stocky body and very strong legs.  Its front feet have long claws suited for digging burrows.  Its fur is very coarse, and mostly brown in color.  The groundhog is a member of the squirrel family; however, unlike squirrels, groundhogs fall into a deep state of hibernation during the winter months. Because groundhogs’ eyes, ears, and nose are located toward the top of their head, they can check for danger while remaining in their burrow. Groundhogs are herbivores and favorite foods are grasses (especially alfalfa and clover), vegetables and fruit. They enjoy feeding in the early morning and late afternoon.

Tri-State Wildlife Management is fully insured, and we stand behind all of our work.

Call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037 for removal and control of groundhogs, moles, skunks, snakes, chipmunks, mice, bats, and more.

Yard Mole Removal in Alexandria, KY

March 18th, 2016

For Yard Mole Removal in Alexandria, KY, call Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. Ask about our spring sale!

Are mole tunnels and mounds ruining your well-manicured lawn? Tri-State Wildlife Management specializes in yard mole removal, and is the answer to your problem! We use the most sound, research-proven techniques for mole management. Put our experience and expertise to work for you!

The greater Cincinnati area is familiar with the eastern mole, which is prevalent from the Atlantic coast to the Great Plains, and from Michigan into Florida.

Moles live underground their entire lives in a network of underground runway tunnels and burrows. Moles are solitary animals, but on occasion their tunnels may intersect with the independent tunnels of another mole. Multiple moles may live underneath the same yard, and sometimes are trapped at the same spot. Moles have both deep tunnels that lead to their denning sites or nesting area, as well as shallow, surface tunnels that are used for feeding. Feeder tunnels may be used once and then left abandoned, while others may be used multiple times. Moles never have runways above ground. Homeowners usually realize they have a mole problem when they see raised grass from underground surface tunnels, or when they see mole mounds. Mole mounds are made when excess dirt is pushed out of the ground as a mole tunnels.

Moles are a nuisance when they occupy a yard, because their surface tunnels kill grass and plants, as well as leave unsightly raised ridges in the lawn. Plants and grass die from shallow surface tunnels because the roots are disengaged from the soil. In the warmer months, the plants and grass may die because they no longer have the soil as a source of water. During the winter, roots freeze from the lack of insulation soil provides.

Moles continuously dig in search of food, at a rate of eighteen feet per hour, and move forward and backward eighty feet per minute. They eat from 70% to 100% of their weight in earthworms and insects each day to supply the energy for constant tunneling. They prefer to hunt in cool, moist soil, where worms and insects can be found in abundance. Den sites are usually in high, dry ground, although deeper beneath the surface. Moles cover more underground area than most subterranean animals because of their food requirements. During the colder months, and during bouts of hot weather, moles dig deeper beneath the surface. So even during the winter when you may not see new ridges or mounds in your yard, moles continue to be active.

Tri-State Wildlife Management – Protecting You, Your Property, and Your Investment

To get rid of your yard moles problem sooner rather than later, call the professionals of Tri-State Wildlife Management at (859) 635-0037. TSWM is fully licensed and insured, and we stand behind our work.

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